@ShadSterling @futurebird @corbden
Is it #perfectionism that is acquired or rather some #realism on what human society is that comes with age?
Quoting #Gide [his|mine]:
“Anything new about [the letters|life]?”
“New? New?… What on earth that’s new can happen [between Oscar and me|at all]?”
“[He was|We were all] expecting an explanation.”
“So was I. I was expecting an explanation. All one’s life long one expects explanations.”
<< El hilo te mantendrá unido al pasado. Regresa a él. Regresa a ti. Pues nada procede de la nada y es en el pasado, en lo que eres hoy, donde se apoya tu futuro. >>
- Teseo, de André #Gide -
Visited Astley Book Farm in Warwickshire today for the first time and absolutely loved it. I don't read as much as I used to, way too much sitting scrolling on my phone! Definitely going to make a change, there's nothing better than being surrounded with books.