'#XiJinping's #Taiwan ambitions threaten #China's rise'
by #GideonRachman, via #FinancialTimes 🇨🇳🇹🇼
#geopolitics #tech #semiconductors
#democracy #autocracy #UnitedStates
#xijinping #taiwan #China #gideonrachman #financialtimes #geopolitics #tech #semiconductors #democracy #autocracy #unitedstates
Gideon Rachman, a very highly regarded writer at the Financial Times, believes that Britain could move to rejoin the EU by 2026, the tenth anniversary of Brexit. His arguments are very cogent.
#gideonrachman #thefinancialtimes #brexit
#martonwolf and #gideonrachman outline how totally removed from reality they are. Apparently all our problems relate to Trump and Corbyn. So incapable of reflection and of critiquing their own economic construction.
How to fix our flawed democracies - https://on.ft.com/3RnddlX via @FT
The Rachman Review: America’s hard right on Apple Podcasts
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-hard-right/id1504048545?i=1000593883053 #biden #trump #ft @ft #gideonrachman
#gideonrachman #ft #Trump #Biden