I think it says a lot that the only repeat favourite cover in #WritersCoffeeClub for the 7th was Gideon the Ninth and that came up 4 times in 3 different formats! #tlt #thelockedtomb #GideonTheNinth
#gideontheninth #TheLockedTomb #tlt #writerscoffeeclub
@daynpitseleh there’s something of a similar flavor with those books. I’ve lost track of of how many times I’ve reread New Sun over the last 20 years and it rewards rereading. I recently read #GideonTheNinth and the following books and then immediately reread them all, and it was even better. I love books like that where the idea of spoilers is almost irrelevant bcs they just get richer with rereading.
My audio/hard copy co-read of #GideonTheNinth is still going swimmingly. I'm also struggling with #HowToFindZodiac by Jarett Kobek.
Like, "two chapters in & considering DNFing" STRUGGLING.
In other news, I may be getting the weekend off work. EXCITE.
In other-other news, I am on a quest to find a strapless bra that doesn't make me want to burn the world down. I have heard good things about the Wacoal Red Carpet bra. WE SHALL SEE.
#gideontheninth #howtofindzodiac
Started my audiobook + hard copy co-read of #GideonTheNinth last night. I loved the audiobook the first time 'round; co-reading is proving to be even more enjoyable.
I have just learned that my favorite series of the year has a 4th book coming out in January. I'm so excited holy fuck
#LockedTomb #GideonTheNinth #HarrowTheNinth #NonaTheNinth #AlectoTheNinth !!!!!!!!
#lockedtomb #gideontheninth #harrowtheninth #nonatheninth #alectotheninth
I just finished re-listening to the audio of #GideonTheNinth by Tamsyn Muir, and I’m bereft as always. There’s nothing better than a good post-book refractory period, even if the book punched a giant hole through your chest. Any other #TheLockedTomb fans around?
#gideontheninth #TheLockedTomb
And now that I said that, I wonder if Gene Wolfe is an influence on Muir? There are some distinctive similarities: the dying world, the grim main character who doesn’t even realize how scary/grim she is (at least in Gideon and Harrow), the deliberately baroque vocabulary, religious themes, and of course the mysteries which a careful reader can solve but need not all be solved to enjoy the story.
I finished Nona the Ninth over vacation, and because the book I wisely took with me as backup reading was Judith Butler’s *Gender Trouble* (which feels like the homework I need to complete) I immediately looped around and started rereading Gideon the Ninth.
It’s absolutely littered with hints that pay off in Harrow and Nona, and while I can’t tell if Muir planned that or picked up the stitches, as it were, it’s a richer book on reread than first read.
I am approximately 1/3 into #HarrowTheNinth (book 2 of #GideonTheNinth trilogy) and
1) I’ve already twigged the (an?) obvious twist, but am otherwise confused enough that everything is still deliciously tense/suspenseful. Nice that it’s a different kind of tale than the first book too.
2) I just got to the “cool letter of the alphabet” reference and briefly lost my composure 🤣🤣🤣 Muir really has a gift for sneaking this dumb shit in & I love it
#HarrowTheNinth #gideontheninth
Just got to a pop culture reference innocently, yet also blatantly, embedded in #GideonTheNinth and I can't decide if I'm in awe, or super mad. Also, wheezing 🤣
Cozy necromancy: If Found, Return to Hell, Legends & Lattes, and Gideon the Ninth
Happy start of Q3 to all who celebrate! Like a lot of people, I cope with the pressures of work with necromancy and cozy novels, so I snarfed up three novels in quick succession in the last two weeks. Read my reviews:
#bookstodon #sff #BookBlogger #BookReview #BookReviewers #ScienceFiction #fantasy #blog #blogging #ComfortRead #magic #IfFoundReturnToHell #EmXLiu #GideonTheNinth #LegendAndLattes #TravisBaldree
#bookstodon #sff #bookblogger #bookreview #bookreviewers #sciencefiction #fantasy #blog #blogging #comfortread #magic #iffoundreturntohell #emxliu #gideontheninth #LegendAndLattes #travisbaldree
My inner cynic says I /shouldn’t/ be enjoying #GideonTheNinth’s uncomfortably Whedon-esque snappy dialogue, which should also feel incredibly out of place in a story about hoary space undead and the necromancers who love them.
Unfortunately for him, I /am/ enjoying it, so far. We’ll see if the snark outstays its welcome. #SFF
starting Gideon The Ninth and really enjoying the prose. nice change of pace after good ol' RJ lol
I’ll learn the difference between thanergy and thalergy. #lockedtomb #gideontheninth #books
#LockedTomb #gideontheninth #books
Having now read both Gideon and Harrow the Ninth, I simultaneously know so much and yet absolutely NOTHING about the Locked Tomb series. Reading Harrow was like waking up with a pounding headache in a strange hotel room and trying to piece together what happened the night before while God himself offers you a cup of hot tea and zero answers. I have not known a moment of peace since starting this unhinged series and I love it.
#bookstodon #harrowtheninth #gideontheninth
I finished Gideon the Ninth and I’m not sure what just happened. What genre was that even? It’s like the most lighthearted gothic mystery. The most romantic non-romance novel. Was it ultimately…. a political thriller, but with space necromancers?! I have a million unanswered questions about the world building yet feel overwhelmed with info.
I am terrified to start the sequel but this book is just taking up so much of my brain right now that I absolutely have to.
Gordon Lightfoot has passed away at 84: https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/gordon-lightfoot-dead-1.6828991
Last year I was on a Gordon Lightfoot kick, coincidentally at the same time I was reading #GideonTheNinth, and now it's associated for me with an old favourite, "If You Could Read My Mind" (https://youtu.be/jiU2lrGnT7U). That golden-hour melancholy wistfulness goes so well with the novel's atmosphere of mysterious deeply ancient places falling into ruin.
But let's also take a moment to appreciate "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" (https://youtu.be/Vcc8pzMNo2I) because why not.
#GideontheNinth: A strangely casual writing style that worked very well given the viewpoint character. I really enjoyed the way the relationships built between the main characters.
I thought the main characters were very well developed, Gideon being a clueless himbo allowed for an organic way of filling the reader in on the details of the universe.
There were a lot of characters/names to keep track of, I kept having to check the glossary, which really broke up my reading flow.
#gideontheninth #sifi #fantasy