Jo Etzel · @JosetAEtzel
376 followers · 620 posts · Server

@dpat I should have included a link to an explanation of what I meant by "tiger stripe" pattern, sorry. 😅 Here is some, and has a bit more.

This image shows the idea: the first three rows have typical surface temporal mean images; blotchy, but with "tiger stripes" at the top (central sulcus) visible (arrows). The fourth image is from a failed realignment: the underlying surface shape is ok, but the pattern is all wrong.

#gifti #qc #neuroimaging #fmri

Last updated 1 year ago

Jo Etzel · @JosetAEtzel
190 followers · 101 posts · Server

@SchnepfUwe Maybe adjust the resolution in the code chunk, or print via rasterImage()?

My plotting tutorial ( has examples of changing resolution (see chunk "code4").

Here's a snippet of the other strategy:
<<code1, fig.height=4.8, fig.width=7.5, fig.align='center'>>=

plot(0:1, 0:1, type="n", ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE);

rasterImage(readPNG(fname, native=TRUE), 0,0,1,1);

#gifti #rstats #knitr

Last updated 2 years ago