Задала запрос про Алису Яндекса в #GigaChat (#sber) , вот - получила в ответ!
#aigenerated #ai #sber
#gigachat #sber #AIgenerated #ai
La Russia lancia la sua risposta a ChatGPT
#GigaChat #chatbot #IntelligenzaArtificiale #ChatGPT #Sber #Sberbank #reteneurale
#gigachat #chatbot #intelligenzaartificiale #chatgpt #sber #sberbank #reteneurale
Se gli fai una domanda ti dice cazzate propagandistiche, se si sente sotto pressione ti minaccia, ma se te lo fai amico giocherà a scacchi con te cantando Toto Cotugno*.
La Russia presenta il chatbot #GigaCHAT, l'alternativa a #ChatGPT
* no, stavolta non era la sintesi dell'articolo... 😁
GigaChat enters the fray,
To challenge ChatGPT's reign one day.
The newest Russian tech,
That AI does beseech,
To join the artificial intelligence fray.
#sberbank #gigachat #chatgpt #ai #russia #ode #poetry
#sberbank #gigachat #chatgpt #ai #russia #ode #poetry
What's this? A Russian version of ChatGPT ? What, possibly, could go wrong?
A Russian version of ChatGPT? What, possibly, could go wrong?