World Bank Report Highlights Rapid Expansion of Online Gig Work.
#WorldBank #GigWork #OnlineWork #DigitalSkills #GigEconomy
#worldbank #gigwork #onlinework #digitalskills #gigeconomy
If your business has to underpay your workers or steal from them in order to survive, YOUR BUSINESS ISN’T SUSTAINABLE AND SHOULDN’T SURVIVE. Simple. #wagetheft #gigwork #labourhire
#wagetheft #gigwork #labourhire
Delivering my first pumpkin spice lattes of the season!
#delivery #gigwork #pumpkinspice
Online delivery and ride-hailing companies like Careem, Bykea and Foodpanda have featured female gig workers in their ad campaigns, especially around International Women's Day. A group of women in Pakistan speak out about their experience of these businesses backtracking on gender-based incentives that made the work so attractive to them.
Next was an interesting conversation with Uma Rani on the role of digital labor #platforms on work across the globe at Alliance Manchester Business School. Rani provides a clear view of the benefits these platforms can bring to a variety of workers but also the challenges they bring to some and society more broadly (10/12) #GigWork
"Disrupting D.C.: The Rise of Uber and the Fall of the City" makes a case for how racial inequality and failing policies in Washington, D.C., and other cities have helped the rise of Uber. I talked with two of the three authors of the book, which comes out today.
#gigeconomy #gigwork #uber
Next was an intriguing slate of talks at @FAccT on algorithms and markets. I particularly liked the talks by Daman Deep Singh (gig driver assignment) and Aditya Karan (differential pricing auditing). Highly recommend (5/8) #FAccT2023 #AIEthics #GigWork
When we talk about the abuses of #GigWork, there's some obvious targets, like #AlgorithmicWageDiscrimination, where two workers are paid different rates for the same job, in order to trick occasional gig-workers to give up their other sources of income and become dependent on the app:
If you'd like an essay-formatted version to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
#gigwork #algorithmicwagediscrimination
@aral Eeyupp...
Either one has to sell their soul to some corporation or suffer...
No matter if it's #GigWork [#UberEats] , #GrindWork [Any fast food job] or whatever...
I don't take many pictures lately. So today I have one and couldn't resist 😁
#SilentSunday #GigWork #delivery
#silentsunday #gigwork #delivery
#UPS-#Teamsters contract negotiations collapse—what #gigwork has to do with it
#labor #workers #strike
#ups #teamsters #gigwork #labor #workers #strike
A nursing assistant wrote me about $21K in wages she says she had been owed by a shift-booking app for more than a year. Two months after I got involved, she says she was offered a settlement — on the condition that she stop talking with me. #gigwork #healthcare #labor #wages
#gigwork #healthcare #labor #wages
Global News BC: Man who attacked B.C. Uber driver sentenced to 1 day in jail, 1 year probation #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #uberassaultsentence #WorkplaceViolence #gigworkersafety #WorkplaceSafety #CaughtOnCamera #williamtickle #UberAssault #Abbotsford #Ride-share #gigworker #Rideshare #AmanSood #gigwork #Crime #Uber
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #uberassaultsentence #workplaceviolence #gigworkersafety #workplacesafety #caughtoncamera #williamtickle #uberassault #Abbotsford #ride #gigworker #rideshare #amansood #gigwork #crime #uber
Uber has this rewards system. I'm perpetually at the lowest level. Every time I open the app it tells me I could get my (useless to me) rewards back if I "improved" my "service".
This is absolutely wrong and hilarious. My service is perfect (5 stars atm). What they want is for me to take more low paying orders. Even the cash reward available at the highest level adds less than 50 cents per order. But I'd be losing more than that per order if I accepted enough to get it 🤷🏻♀️
From 14 Jun: The National Labor Relations Board issued a new ruling Tuesday that makes it easier for Uber and Lyft drivers, construction workers, home health aides, and strippers to organize and join unions. - #union #gigwork #gigworkers
I have been thrust into the instability of #unemployment...
I'm looking for #voiceover #narration type #work
If you're a content creator or just have a project that needs an older male Mid-Western American voice, please contact me to arrange a sample.
I can also assist in researching topics.
I am also open to suggestions for ANY #online #gig that will help me cover impending utility bills.
#employment #workfromhome #gigwork #over50 #videos #documentary #history #howto #educational #meditation #podcast #conversational #Linux #Debian #opensource #foss #privacy #security #locks #locksport #bodypiercing #dogs #truecrime #etc
Please boost.
#unemployment #voiceover #narration #work #online #gig #employment #workfromhome #gigwork #over50 #videos #documentary #history #howto #educational #meditation #podcast #conversational #linux #debian #opensource #foss #privacy #security #locks #locksport #bodypiercing #dogs #TrueCrime #etc
Hopefully great news for delivery drivers in New York City, let’s see how the corporations respond.
From Engadget: “New York City sets an $18 per hour minimum wage for food delivery workers”
If I had a nickel for every time I've delivered one biscuit to somebody from a chicken place...
I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice.
Next was a great talk by Floor Fiers on barriers to participating in the gig economy at the @communitydata. While gig platforms are ostensibly available to all, Fiers interrogates what skills are required to be successful on these platforms and the implications for training and platform design. Highly recommend (4/7) #GigWork
Just got a 20 cent tip....
I mean, the total pay was worth the trip or I wouldn't have accepted it.
But, like, 20 cents. Why bother at all?