RT @ChElm@twitter.com
Some crazy surrealism about algorithmic bias – it was an honour to contribute to this book, https://unbiasthenews.org/, launched at #GIJC19 yesterday.
Kudos and thanks to @tabeszyk@twitter.com @tinaleeinberlin@twitter.com and https://www.moshtari.de/ for the great artwork!
RT @JohannBihr@twitter.com
Insane: three of the cops who were dismissed after framing #IvanGolunov for drug trafficking claim their jobs back! https://meduza.io/news/2019/09/26/zaderzhivavshie-ivana-golunova-politseyskie-cherez-sud-potrebovali-vosstanovleniya-na-sluzhbe
Any news about the investigation against them and the corrupt FSB officers who ordered the operation, @sledcom_rf@twitter.com? #NoImpunity! #GIJC19
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JohannBihr/status/1177577130064011265
#gijc19 #noimpunity #ivangolunov
RT @gijnFr@twitter.com
#GIJC19 : l’organisation @N0thing2Hide@twitter.com a donné une formation de sécurité numérique aux journalistes du @reseau_3i@twitter.com . Voici ce qu’il faut en retenir. Thread :
Morgen, wir werden zum #GIJC19 in Hamburg ! Au programme : formation à la sécurité numérique pour les membres du réseau d'investigation @reseau_3i@twitter.com