I picked this up in July but finally got around to reading it today (and then I remembered why I picked it up): Death Comes for the Toymaker #1 (Scout Comics).
#comics #Death #toymaker #Santa #Gilgamesh
#gilgamesh #santa #toymaker #death #comics
Discovered this while researching a few odds and ends for a modern day story.
#sumerian #gilgamesh
https://www.wacoca.com/anime/1365739/ Fate/Grand Order-Was wurde beim 8. Anniversary angekündigt? #Anime #Artoria #BestServant #ecchi #emiya #Erklärung #fate #FateErklärung #FateGrandOrder #Fate/Apocrypha #Fate/stayNight #Fate/Zero #fgo #FGOHard #FGOPodcast #Game #Gilgamesh #Heldengeist #Lancer #manga #MCMaffyx #NoblePhantasm #Saber #servant #VisualNovel #waifu
#anime #artoria #bestservant #ecchi #emiya #erklarung #fate #fateerklarung #fategrandorder #fgo #fgohard #fgopodcast #game #gilgamesh #heldengeist #lancer #manga #mcmaffyx #noblephantasm #saber #servant #visualnovel #waifu
Sometimes it is the smallest discoveries that have the largest impact. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1286/new-gilgamesh-fragment-enkidus-sexual-exploits-dou/ #History #Babylon #Cuneiform #Gilgamesh
#gilgamesh #cuneiform #babylon #History
Ancient Mesopotamian Literature developed c. https://www.worldhistory.org/Mesopotamian_Literature/ #History #Cuneiform #Gilgamesh #MesopotamianLiterature
#mesopotamianliterature #gilgamesh #cuneiform #History
btw I'm excited about borrowing a #Gilgamesh epic from the library! :) And I'm also working on getting Inuit and African #FairyTales. And some other things maybe. Let's see how this work out.
"[My friend, the] penis that you touched so your heart rejoiced,
grubs devour [(it) … like an] old garment.
[My friend, the crotch that you] touched so your heart rejoiced,
it is filled with dust [like a crack in the ground.]"
Tablet XII, Epic of Gilgamesh
#Enkidu died and this is his ghost talking to #Gilgamesh.
#PrideMonth #LGBTQ #LGBTQHistory #gayHistory #ancientMesopotamia #mlm @antiquidons @mythology @histodons
#enkidu #gilgamesh #pridemonth #lgbtq #lgbtqhistory #gayhistory #ancientmesopotamia #mlm
La giovane donna che amava ridere pianse https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/06/24/la-giovane-donna-che-amava-ridere-pianse/ #mitologiasumera #Mesopotamia #Recensioni #Gilgamesh #Gilgameš #Inanna #sumeri
#mitologiasumera #mesopotamia #recensioni #gilgamesh #Gilgameš #inanna #Sumeri
@RagnaJa I recommend also subscribing to a few niche/specific tags which don’t hit as often but are pleasant surprises when they do. Like for me, #Columbo or #Gilgamesh
Episode 12 of our podcast is now available for download!
The Oldest Story Written: The Epic of Gilgamesh
#mesopotamia #akkadian #babylon #sumer #sumerian #gilgamesh #canaanite #enkidu #history #archaeology #ancient
#mesopotamia #akkadian #babylon #sumer #sumerian #gilgamesh #canaanite #enkidu #history #archaeology #ancient
"The Gold Lyre Of Ur" is a replica of a Lyre from the #Sumerians
Peter Pringle sings in #Sumerian and it sounds very unique!
#gilgamesh #sumerians #Sumerian
¿Atrahasis, Utnapishtim o Noé?https://lasendadeapolo.blog/2019/07/23/atrahasis-utnapishtim-o-noe/ Independientemente tus creencias religiosas hay un acontecimiento “histórico” que seguro conoces bien: el arca de Noé y el diluvio universal.
Seguramente esta historia es un mito que surgió tras alguna catastrófica inundación en un lejano pasado en los albores de las primeras civilizaciones del creciente fértil.
En estos días he encontrado un interesante libro: The Ark Before Noah escrito por Irving Finkel, conservador del Muso Británico en el que se defiende la hipótesis de que de que Atrahasis y su epopeya con su coracle redondo es el Noé original. Para ello se basa en el estudio de una tablilla babilónica datada en el 1750 antes de Cristo.
Dicha tablilla cuenta la la historia del héroe babilónico Atrahasis al que su dios le habla y le proporciona detalladas instrucciones para que construya un arca redonda en la que salvar su vida ante el diluvio que se avecina. El “manual de instrucciones» no solo detalla las medidas y materiales a usar, sino que especifica que debe meter a los animales salvajes “de dos en dos” ¿te suena de algo?
Según Finkel la embarcación es muy similar a las coracles (conocidas también como kufas) que hasta el pasado siglo XX servía para transporter mercancías, personas y animales por el Tigris y el Éufrates. Esto apoyaría la idea de que en el segundo milenio antes de cristo se extendió por las ciudades costeras de los rios babilónicos la idea de que Atrahasis había construído una coracle de grandes dimensiones para sobrevivir a la gran inundación tal y como se recoge en la tablilla antes mencionada.
Sin embargo Finkel menciona Tambien que en la Epopeya de Gilgamesh aparece la historia del sabio Utnapishtim que, al igual que Noé, soltaría una paloma para comprobar si las aguas habían bajado de nivel tras la gran riada; su araca sin embargo era cuadrada aunque con con el mismo área que la de Atrahasis.
Y sí, por si te lo estás preguntando, la superficie de las tres arcas era similar; entre 14.400 y 15.000 codos cuadrados y todas tenían espacio para los animales y un tejadillo para orar #atrahasis #Utnapishtim #Noe #Gilgamesh #Historia #Babilonia #Mesopotamia #diluvio #libros
#atrahasis #noe #historia #babilonia #mesopotamia #diluvio #libros #gilgamesh #Utnapishtim
Listen to The Epic of Gilgamesh Being Read in its Original Ancient Language, Akkadian https://www.openculture.com/2023/03/listen-to-the-epic-of-gilgamesh-being-read-in-its-original-ancient-language-akkadian.html #Language #Linguistics #Akkadian #Gilgamesh #Epics #Poetry #Mythology
#language #linguistics #akkadian #gilgamesh #epics #poetry #mythology
Bastante desapontado com #Gilgámesh, a ponto de estar sendo difícil terminar a leitura. A edição que eu comprei tem uma longuíssima introdução do tradutor e que também faz um resumo da história, que nos deixa com as expectativas lá em cima. Mas a leitura, apesar de fluir bem em alguns momentos, na maior parte do tempo é complicada, com muitos trechos do texto faltantes (tabuinhas rachadas e etc) e referências a hábitos culturais e da mitologia suméria que eu desconheço completamente.
#DunkleIsNowPlaying 🎶
Amongst Kings and Men
by Acrassicauda
Listen here: https://song.link/https://music.apple.com/us/album/amongst-kings-and-men/1124943712?i=1124944036&uo=4&app=music
#music #thrashmetal #gilgamesh #acrassicauda #dunkleisnowplaying #nowplaying
Gilgamesh is the semi-mythic King of Uruk in Mesopotamia best known from The Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2150-1400 BCE) the great Babylonian poem that predates Homer's writing by 1500 years and, therefore, stands as the oldest piece of epic world literature.https://www.worldhistory.org/gilgamesh/ #Gilgamesh #Inanna #Ishtar #History
#History #Ishtar #inanna #gilgamesh
ChatGPT is confronting, but humans have always adapted to new technology—ask the Mesopotamians, who invented writing
#artificialintelligence #mesopotamia #gilgamesh #culture #chatgpt #technology #inventions #civilisation #writing
#artificialintelligence #mesopotamia #gilgamesh #culture #chatgpt #technology #inventions #civilisation #writing
Literature (from the Latin Littera meaning 'letters' and referring to an acquaintance with the written word) is the written work of a specific culture, sub-culture, religion, philosophy or the study of such written work which may appear in poetry or in prose. Literature, in the west, originated in the southern Mesopotamia region of Sumer (c. 3200) in the city of Uruk and flourished in Egypt, la...https://www.worldhistory.org/literature/ #China #Egypt #Gilgamesh #History
#History #gilgamesh #egypt #China
In September 2021, UNESCO hailed a sizable victory in the fight against the illicit trade of cultural property. The ‘Gilgamesh Tablet’, was formally handed back to Iraq by the United States of America at a ceremony at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.
RT @AqeelAlmansrawi@twitter.com
Finally it's coming back to the original home, #Gilgamesh tablet in the #Iraqi_national_museum.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AqeelAlmansrawi/status/1617911188809191425
#gilgamesh #iraqi_national_museum