“Sophie #Rollet contre #Goodyear”, sur Arte : “J’ai donné neuf ans de ma vie à ce #combat”
>Quand son mari a été tué dans un #accident de la #route, Sophie Rollet a enquêté seule et a découvert la #dangerosité de certains #pneus Goodyear. Un puissant #documentaire de Sylvie #Gilman et Thierry De Lestrade revient sur sa lutte.
#gilman #documentaire #pneus #dangerosite #route #accident #combat #goodyear #rollet
A podcast I was listening to on my walk just referenced Gilman (“one of the stinkiest and most legendary punk venues in the country”) and it got me thinking about how Gilman's rules are a pretty good draft set of server rules/code of conduct.
#924Gilman #gilman
@IcySedgwick Good evening. I'm Giles Edwards, a film reviewer with a focus on the weird and strange.
I'm also an amateur narrator who has put the works of #Gilman, #Poe, and #Lovecraft to voice. A pleasure meeting you.
Ways Away released an album in October and I totally missed it! On track three on the bus ride to work. So far, so good. Sergie Loobkoff doesn't involve himself with bad projects. Samiam, Knapsack, Solea, Felled Trees, Racquet Club, Ways Away, Billy No Mates - he's one of my musical heroes with Roy Wood, the Gallaghers, David Bowie and Johnny Marr.
#music #punk #emo #emocore #rock #gilman #Samiam #WaysAway