It is remarkable that the equation | x^2 | = 2 has no rational solution. But it has a solution in a finite field. I think the old Pythagorean would like the result. Today's mathematics faculties probably don't attach any further importance to the result.
#MathDay #BasicResearch #gimps #ChatGPT #OESI (41/n)
#oesi #chatgpt #gimps #basicresearch #mathday
Here is the way I found this sequence independent from the handbook. Order the numbers in the Galois field G(p) symmetrically to zero. One half is denoted as positive numbers, the other as negative. If a is a positive number in this field, then the equation
| x^2 | = a has always a solution if p is a Sophie Germain prime.
Details can be found in my essay, will be published if time permits it.
#MathDay #BasicResearch #gimps #ChatGPT #OESI (40/n)
#oesi #chatgpt #gimps #basicresearch #mathday
p is prime and 2p+1 is also prime. I just learned from the "The Handbook of Integer Sequences" ( ) these are Sophie Germain primes.
#MathDay #BasicResearch #gimps #ChatGPT #OESI (39/n)
#oesi #chatgpt #gimps #basicresearch #mathday
This is false and subtile misleading. Since it can be shown that for a Mersenne Prime (p-1)/2 is not a prime number. But the first million primes contain 44842 prime numbers p such that (p-1)/2 is also a prime number. For example are p=15485543 and (p-1)/2=7742771 both prime. Are there infinitely many?
#MathDay #BasicResearch #gimps #ChatGPT (38/n)
#chatgpt #gimps #basicresearch #mathday
ChatGPT suggested that this question is related to the question of the existence of Mersenne Primes.
#BasicResearch #GIMPs #ChatGPT (37/n)
#chatgpt #gimps #basicresearch
I am currently writing an essay which discusses the question, if the extension of the natural numbers to the real numbers unavoidable in obtaining a number system which is strong enough to formulate physical theories (like the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics). I came across the question, weather with a prime number p the number (p-1)/2 is also a prime number.
#BasicResearch #GIMPs #ChatGPT (36/n)
#chatgpt #gimps #basicresearch
Happy #FullCoverageFriday, Friday the 13th edition! Watch out for #Shiny #Rubber #Gimps crossing your path! #Hypno
#fullcoveragefriday #shiny #rubber #gimps #hypno
Happy #FullCoverageFriday! Be sure and keep your #Rubber #Gimps warm in this cold weather. Maybe some #hypno to keep them relaxed and blank. ;)
#fullcoveragefriday #rubber #gimps #hypno