Aqui trabajando en unas fotos que estoy restaurando de mi familia en #gimp . Estas tenian muchas rasgaduras por lo que he tenido que tener mucho cuidado de no romperlas ya que por el el momento #gimp no trabaja de forma no destructiva. Pero estoy muy contento con los resultados ya que con el #plugin #Resynthesizer y el #sharpenmask he logrado tener excelentes resultados. Pense que no iba a poder restaurar con #gimpsoftware pero estoy asombrado de todo lo que se puede hacer con #gimp . Esperando a que salga los efectos y mascaras no destructivas para #gimp3 . El #softwarelibre es lo mejor.
#gimp #Plugin #resynthesizer #sharpenmask #gimpsoftware #gimp3 #softwarelibre
We uploaded a report about the production progression for ZeMarmot ! 👉👉
#ZeMarmot #GIMPsoftware #animation #Freesoftware #Openmovie #ccbysa #report
#zemarmot #gimpsoftware #animation #freesoftware #openmovie #ccbysa #report
I can't go to the music supervision firm for help because the only way to contact the firm, its phone number, doesn't work.
All this shit killed all the fun out of working on the book.
It had a dope-ass cover though. I used #GIMPSoftware to design it.
My lengthy reviews of all 65 episodes of #KimsConvenience with song title info will be published someday. I just don't know where they'll go right now. I'm thinking of someday launching a Patreon where the reviews would be exclusives.
#gimpsoftware #kimsconvenience
I can't go to the music supervision firm for help because the only way to contact the firm, its phone number, doesn't work.
All this shit killed all the fun out of working on the book.
It had a dope-ass cover though. I used #GIMPSoftware to design it.
My lengthy reviews of all 65 episodes of #KimsConvenience with song title info will be published someday. I just don't know where they'll go right now. I'm thinking of someday launching a Patreon where the reviews would be exclusives.
#gimpsoftware #kimsconvenience
I can't go to the music supervision firm for help because the only way to contact the firm, its phone number, doesn't work.
All this shit killed all the fun out of working on the book.
It had a dope-ass cover though. I used #GIMPSoftware to design it.
My lengthy reviews of all 65 episodes of #KimsConvenience with song title info will be published someday. I just don't know where they'll go right now. I'm thinking of someday launching a Patreon where the reviews would be exclusives.
#gimpsoftware #kimsconvenience
As we announced a week ago, Aryeom and Jehan had a conference in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (@fccl_vandoeuvre), France. We hope the audience had a meaningful time. Thanks to Nicolas Lefondeur who organized and Lionel (LILA association member who took these photos) !
#zemarmot #gimp #gimpsoftware #libreart
As we announced a week ago, Aryeom and Jehan had a conference in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (@fccl_vandoeuvre), France. We hope the audience had a meaningful time. Thanks to Nicolas Lefondeur who organized and Lionel (LILA association member who took these photos) !
#zemarmot #gimp #gimpsoftware #libreart