Première tentative de #GingerBeer. J'espère que ça va être bon (et ne pas m'exploser à la tronche, mais je prévois de dégazer toutes les deux heures au début, ça devrait permettre d'éviter la cata).
En ce moment, je m'amuse à faire des #boissons fermentées (sans alcool). Dans les trucs simples et ne nécessitant quasiment rien, il y a la ginger beer (gingembre, eau, sucre, jus de citron) et le #kvas de betterave (betterave, eau, sel). Y a aussi le #kéfir, mais faut trouver des grains de kéfir et y a plus d'ingrédients (eau, sucre, citron, figues sèches et moi je mets aussi de l'abricot sec).
C'est magique, la #fermentation, ça fait des bulles & du goût à partir de 3 fois rien 😋
#gingerbeer #fermentation #kefir #kvas #boissons
Tried the #gingerbeer that I bottled yesterday... It tasted of ass. Utterly disappointed with it and will likely end up tipping it all away.
My first attempt at #mead was a partial success, but also a failure. I managed to ferment *something*, but I'm pretty convinced the honey wasn't really honey as it ended up having no real taste other than alcohol.
I think I know where both went wrong though, so I'll try again!
#homebrew #fermentation #mead #gingerbeer
Second batch of #GingerBeer bottled for secondary #fermentation 😎 The first batch wasn't sweet enough and didn't build up enough fizz, but I have high hopes for this batch as I've doubled the sugar! Also added some lemon (juice and peel), which came through clearly in the pre-bottling taste-test 🥰
Day 6 of my #GingerBug, and it was fizzing away nicely, so I started a batch of #GingerBeer from it. A few days of primary #fermenting and it should be ready for bottling and secondary fermenting 🤤
#fermenting #gingerbeer #gingerbug
Started a new Ginger Bug a few days ago, and this morning it's fizzing away nicely 🤩 #fermentation #homebrew #gingerbeer
#gingerbeer #homebrew #fermentation
First attempt in making Ginger beer and its a success. Perfectly carbonated and taste great.
#gingerbeer #fermentation #fermenting #soda #gingersoda
#gingerbeer #fermentation #fermenting #soda #gingersoda
Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Sonntag! #soberdrinking #gin #alkoholfrei #gingerbeer #playstation #deathstranding
#soberdrinking #gin #alkoholfrei #gingerbeer #playstation #deathstranding
Das #GingerBeer* von #FeverTree ist echt der Burner!
*kein Bier, ist alkoholfreie Limonade
I’m a teetotaller and ginger beer is the only “beer” I drink. This Danish one is tasty, sweet and spicy.
Bubbles starting to form and I've got a little lees forming in my ginger bug! #fermentation #gingerbeer
Discovered the home brewed #GingerBeer (well, #Ginger #Champagne) can be converted into a #mimosa by adding orange juice. Pretty much indistinguishable from champange. #homebrew
#gingerbeer #ginger #champagne #mimosa #homebrew
Proposed: Crabbie's, the Scottish maker of fine Ginger Beer and Ginger Wine, should be adopted as the official Mastodon mascot beverage, based on its label. Also because it's delicious. Demand some from your local provider today. #crabbies #gingerbeer #gingerwine
#crabbies #gingerbeer #gingerwine
Taking a break with a #gingerBeer before doing weekly big haul of #groceries (stuffing them into the backpack in the background).
#OldJamaica quite possibly is my favourite non-alcoholic #ginger beer. I love the nice burning kick it has to it.
#gingerbeer #groceries #OldJamaica #ginger
So on the occasion of making up a batch of ginger beer, which hopefully turns out this time, I thought this was a good chance to share my winemaking setup.
So from left to right, that's apple wine, straw wine, the ginger beer, and a batch of chardonnay from a kit.The wide shot has the gear, racks, and the next few kits I'll be making.
It's much better than I expected to be working with, if I'm being honest.
My ginger beer, however, was a crashing success. First full bottle and it's fabulous. Loads of carbonation, great flavour, it's like a ginger ale turned up to 11, then given another quarter turn to break off the knob.
Mmm, just tried my second attempt at ginger beer. One of the bottles was only 1/3 full, but after two days it had actually carbonated even with that much headspace.
Not too sweet and with a complex flavour and aggressive ginger bite. No yeast smell either. Just perfect.
The other 9 bottles are in the fridge now. My experience with orange soda suggests a day or two of chilling really makes a difference.
#yeast #soda #pop #gingerbug #gingerbeer
#GingerBug - Jour 4
On dirait que tout va bien 👍
Il va falloir que je trouve ce que je vais en faire ! Peut-être bien du ginger ale !
#GingerBeer #GingerAle
#gingerale #gingerbeer #gingerbug
#GingerBug - Jour 3
De petites bulles apparaissent sur les parois du bocal et à la surface, c'est certain y'a d'la vie là-d'dans !