My little house on the mountain smells so good right now! My Gram’s piernik recipe. Gingerbread for days…
#piernik #pierniki #slavic #gingerbread #polishcooking #polishfood #babciasrecipes #gingerbreadgingerbreadgingerbread #baking #winter #winterbaking
#winterbaking #winter #baking #gingerbreadgingerbreadgingerbread #babciasrecipes #polishfood #polishcooking #gingerbread #slavic #pierniki #piernik
Gingerbread that makes your mouth glitter sweetly. ✨
#gingerbreadgingerbreadgingerbread #askmrssanta
Mrs Claus takes a long, slow sip of her peppermint tea.
Without sloshing, Mrs Claus never sloshes, she carefully sets her porcelain cup onto the pale pink and white striped saucer with the center ring meant for stability.
She makes gentle eye contact with the girl child at her feet who most reminds her of herself.
“The first lie,” she says as the girls lean in anticipation.
“The first lie is always about the pony.”
She contemplates the gingerbread crumbs scattered lightly across her lap as every girl secretly conjures visions of sugarplums and ‘except for me’ dancing in their heads.
~c. MF2022
#askmrsclaus #gingerbreadgingerbreadgingerbread #writing #writingcommunity #tryingoutwords