Gourd has a sinking feeling #CatsOfMastodon #GingerCatsRule
#catsofmastodon #gingercatsrule
Good morning and I hope today might be a little more productive than yesterday. Yesterday was mostly spent with these two - Helgi and Ragnar. (I've been told it's 'Kiss a Ginger Day'. I think I'll just serve these two breakfast...) Take care and have a good day.😺😺
#Cats #CatsOfMastodon #gingercatsrock #GingerCats #gingercatsrule #kissagingerday #wedneday #WednesdayCat
#WednesdayCat #wedneday #kissagingerday #gingercatsrule #gingercats #gingercatsrock #catsofmastodon #cats
Happy #Caturday Mastodon gang! Mum says my eyes are looking a lot better. Feeling a little more like my old Fab-u-lous self 😺 Getting some Zzzzz's in before the big match tonight. Have a lovely day. Hugs & Purrs - Hutchinson x
#GingeAndTuxi #cats #WorldCup2022 #CatsOfMastodon #GingerCatsRule #GingerCatsRock
#caturday #gingeandtuxi #cats #worldcup2022 #catsofmastodon #gingercatsrule #gingercatsrock
Hawwo Mastadon! Ai come in peace an bring along mai family! #GingerCatsRule #CatsOfMastadom
#gingercatsrule #catsofmastadom
Romeo loves his prime real estate box. #gingercat #gingercatsrule #gingercatclub #catbox #cats_of_world #cats #catscatscats #catslover #kittycat #kitty #littlerascals #furday #furdayfriday
Picture of our ginger and white cat, Romeo, sitting in a cardboard box that a delivery arrived in. He doesn't want us to recycle it!
#gingercat #gingercatsrule #gingercatclub #catbox #cats_of_world #cats #CatsCatsCats #catslover #kittycat #kitty #littlerascals #furday #furdayfriday