Re-visiting one of the best books on Hollywood movies and *the* best book on the Astaire-Rogers films: “The Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Book,” by Arlene Croce, 1972. Opinionated and elegantly written, it is worthy of the subject it covers.
“In those years dancing was transformed into a vehicle of serious emotion between a man and a woman. It never happened in movies again.”
#astairerogers #hollywood #books #fredastaire #gingerrogers
Ginger Rogers’ head emerges from a colorful Easter egg on the cover of the May, 1949 issue of Modern Screen
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #magazines
“Who said Ginger Rogers was always the unapproachable artiste on the set? Here she is in costume for the ‘Roxie Hart’ trial scene, doing a little extra-curricular clowning with Phil Silvers. She's a confirmed fruit-juice fiend—drinks assorted kinds all day.”
—Screen Guide, Apr. 1942
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #philsilvers
“Who said Ginger Rogers was always the unapproachable artiste on the set? Here she is in costume for the ‘Roxie Hart’ trial scene, doing a little extra-curricular clowning with Phil Silvers. She's a confirmed fruit-juice fiend—drinks assorted kinds all day.”
—Screen Guide, Apr. 1942
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #philsilvers
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in their one-off musical, “The Barkleys of Broadway” (1949) — only one at MGM rather than RKO, only one in Technicolor, and made a decade after their others.
#Hollywood #AstaireRogers #FredAstaire #GingerRogers #Musicals
#hollywood #astairerogers #fredastaire #gingerrogers #musicals
Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers in “Once Upon a Honeymoon” (1942) — first of two films they did together
#hollywood #carygrant #gingerrogers
Pick Yourself Up - Swing Time (1936)
#FredAstaire #GingerRogers #PickYourselfUp
#pickyourselfup #gingerrogers #fredastaire
“Leila Rogers, Marie Osbourne and Ginger Rogers have been strangely linked. Mrs. Rogers wrote scenarios for the then famous ‘Baby Marie Osbourne.’ Ginger and Marie were playmates. And now, with Ginger the great star, the former Baby Marie is her stand-in.” — Movie Classic, Oct. 1936
“Leila Rogers, Marie Osbourne and Ginger Rogers have been strangely linked. Mrs. Rogers wrote scenarios for the then famous ‘Baby Marie Osbourne.’ Ginger and Marie were playmates. And now, with Ginger the great star, the former Baby Marie is her stand-in.” — Movie Classic, Oct. 1936
Ginger Rogers in a gown from “Roberta” (1935)
#gingerrogers #roberta #oldhollywood
Ginger Rogers in a gown from “Roberta” (1935)
#gingerrogers #roberta #oldhollywood
112 years ago today, Ginger Rogers, American vaudeville, stage and screen dancer, singer (Top Hat), and Academy Award-winning actress (Kitty Foyle; Stage Door), born in Independence, Missouri (d. 1995)
Ginger Rogers at home in an outfit from “Carefree” (1938)
Ginger Rogers in “The Major and the Minor” (1942) — #BOTD 1911
#botd #gingerrogers #themajorandtheminor
“DOUBLE FURLOUGH… and double thrill for movie-goers is Vanguard United Artists' exciting new team of stars. Joseph Cotten plays a soldier, back from the South Pacific with war-torn nerves. Ginger Rogers is a girl who's "on furlough" too . . . but of a very different sort. Film's called “I'll Be Seeing You.” You saw Ginger last in Lady in the Dark, Tender Comrade . . . Joe in Gaslight, Since You Went Away.” — Movies magazine, Nov. 1944
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #josephcotten #illbeseeingyou
“DOUBLE FURLOUGH… and double thrill for movie-goers is Vanguard United Artists' exciting new team of stars. Joseph Cotten plays a soldier, back from the South Pacific with war-torn nerves. Ginger Rogers is a girl who's "on furlough" too . . . but of a very different sort. Film's called “I'll Be Seeing You.” You saw Ginger last in Lady in the Dark, Tender Comrade . . . Joe in Gaslight, Since You Went Away.” — Movies magazine, Nov. 1944
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #josephcotten #illbeseeingyou
Very cool that TCM’s Noir Alley is showing two excellent but semi-obscure films starring my two favorite actresses, Ginger Rogers and Ida Lupino, on back-to-back weekends: “Storm Warning” (1951) this week and “Deep Valley” (1947) next.
#NoirAlley #TCMParty #StormWarning #DeepValley #GingerRogers #IdaLupino
#noiralley #tcmparty #stormwarning #deepvalley #gingerrogers #idalupino
“Roberta” (1935) — Randolph Scott aggressively defends Irene Dunne from Ginger Rogers
#OldHollywood #Roberta #GingerRogers #IreneDunne #RandolphScott
#oldhollywood #roberta #gingerrogers #irenedunne #randolphscott
Ginger Rogers in one of the all-time great comedies, “Roxie Hart” (1942)
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #roxiehart
One of my all-time favorite movies, “Fifth Avenue Girl” (1939), is on Criterion Channel. It is unfortunate that they’ve placed it in their “Screwball Comedies” collection—as a significant reason this Gregory LaCava picture has been long undervalued is that viewers, with help from RKO marketing, put it in that box where it does not belong. Despite some comedic elements, it should not be classified as a comedy, much less screwball
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #5thavegirl