Hank, « poète sauvage », livre sans fard ses pensées sur les membres du mouvement beat et sur leurs œuvres. C’est lui qui incarne le « crépuscule » de la Beat Generation, qui la garde en sa mémoire et en dresse un bilan honnête, bien éloigné des images d’Épinal véhiculées par #Ginsberg.
#beatgeneration #clochardceleste #culture
#ginsberg #beatgeneration #clochardceleste #culture #histoire
Framed woodlands,
a Bob Ross cabin.
Whitman morning,
a Thoreau solitude.
Ginsberg madness,
annual report.
#Poetry #MastodonPoetry #Poem #MastodonPoets #Poet #Writing #PoetsOfMastodon #Poets #WritersOfMastodon #Pinewood #PoetsSociety #Ginsberg #Thoreau #BobRoss #Whitman
#Poetry #mastodonpoetry #poem #MastodonPoets #poet #writing #poetsofmastodon #poets #writersofmastodon #pinewood #poetssociety #ginsberg #thoreau #bobross #whitman
@Defiance @andhow street poet sound. But best Punk rock?
Got a lot of other Competition in that...even starting out w/Punk basics #PattiSmith, #DebbieHarry, #JoeyRamone, #DavidByrd, #Ginsberg etc,etc,etc
#ginsberg #davidbyrd #JoeyRamone #DebbieHarry #pattismith
What #poem(s) do you turn to? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/06/19/readers-poems-help-hard-times/
Me? #Ginsberg's #Kaddish and #ASupermarketInCalifornia
#Dickinson "TheBrainIsWiderThanTheSky and #AfterGreatPainAFormalFeelingComes
#poem #ginsberg #kaddish #asupermarketincalifornia #dickinson #aftergreatpainaformalfeelingcomes #poetry #litstudies
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite #poets, Allen #Ginsberg, the man with the tallis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxjIBEZvx0
Happy Birthday #WaltWhitman from #AllenGinsberg! "What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked down the sidestreets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon." From #Ginsberg's "A Supermarket in California," written in #Berkeley, 1955. #litstudies
#waltwhitman #allenginsberg #ginsberg #Berkeley #litstudies
#HappySpringtime2023 #JörgFauser, 1944 in #BadSchwalbach geboren, hat lange gebraucht, bis er, der literarisch (Hoch-)Begabte, ins Schreiben kam. Autobiographisch grundiert, verglich man ihn rasch mit den amerikanischen Beatniks wie #AllenGinsberg, #JackKerouac oder #WilliamSBurroughs - und blieb doch #Geheimtip für Eingeweihte. Jetzt erscheinen seine Briefe an die Eltern im Zürcher #Diogenes-Verlag.
#happyspringtime2023 #jorgfauser #badschwalbach #allenginsberg #jackkerouac #williamsburroughs #geheimtip #diogenes #fauser #ginsberg #kerouac #burroughs #beatgeneration
#HappySpringtime2023 #JörgFauser, 1944 in #BadSchwalbach geboren, hat lange gebraucht, bis er, der literarisch (Hoch-)Begabte, ins Schreiben kam. Autobiographisch grundiert, verglich man ihn rasch mit den amerikanischen Beatniks wie #AllenGinsberg, #JackKerouac oder #WilliamSBurroughs - und blieb doch #Geheimtip für Eingeweihte. Jetzt erscheinen seine Briefe an die Eltern im Zürcher #Diogenes-Verlag.
#happyspringtime2023 #jorgfauser #badschwalbach #allenginsberg #jackkerouac #WilliamSBurroughs #geheimtip #diogenes #fauser #ginsberg #kerouac #burroughs #beatgeneration
wow, a deep dive into the wild history of 64 east 7th street in #nyc, including an unnamed cameo by barron bruchlos, the #peyote-selling objectivist who opens the first chapter of my book "heads," plus appearences by #yoko ono, allen #ginsberg, ed sanders, merry pranksters, patti smith, future max's owner mickey ruskin, & the rainbow family. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/24/nyregion/east-village-history-townhouse.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare via @wmclark
On this #WorldPoetryDay, what #poem(s) will you be reading/rereading? Me? #Ginsberg and #Dickinson and others. #litstudies
#worldpoetryday #poem #ginsberg #dickinson #litstudies
On this #WorldPoetryDay, what #poem(s) will you be reading/rereading? Me? #Ginsberg and #Dickinson and others.
#worldpoetryday #poem #ginsberg #dickinson
"O beautiful Garbo of my Karma" #WorldPoetryDay. #Ginsberg. #Kaddish. #litstudies
#worldpoetryday #ginsberg #kaddish #litstudies
"O beautiful Garbo of my Karma" #WorldPoetryDay. #Ginsberg. #Kaddish. #litstudies
#worldpoetryday #ginsberg #kaddish #litstudies
#NorthDakota and #Florida seem to be leading the way to the #cretinization of the USA, shutting down libraries, banning books, and making intelligence a job liability and a firing offence. Meanwhile - look over there, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is being rewritten! #Ginsberg saw the best minds of his generation destroyed by madness. Me, I've witnessed the creep of cretinization accelerate in the age of #Bush and now here we are. What a sadness, our legacy to lthe kids!
#northdakota #florida #cretinization #ginsberg #bush
Rarely seen photo of novelist William #Burroughs and poet Allen #Ginsberg on Halloween 1996 by Philip Heying. (Burroughs is not holding an iPhone, but a knife in a case.) Both men died within the year.
#Poe sung by Phil #Ochs, bells by #Ginsberg. Happy Birthday. https://www.google.com/search?q=Allen+Ginsberg+reads+the+bells&oq=Alle&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j46i67j0i67j46i131i199i433i465i512j0i433i512j69i60l2.2913j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4d04be15,vid:ADiWeEbuIPw
@litstudies. interesting piece about #Ginsberg. Love the juxtaposition of the #Fignewton story and the #Clinton letter! https://www.newyorker.com/books/second-read/allen-ginsbergs-self-recording-sessions?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lit%20Hub%20Daily:%20January%209%2C%202023&utm_term=lithub_master_list
Ginsberg’s poem Howl at first reading was immediately famous and sent wavelengths far and wide over the mountains, across the plains, and really never settling as it smacked Greenwich Village about the head. Please read my review here:
#poetry #bookreview #recommendation #literary #ginsberg
#Poet Allen #Ginsberg with a broken leg, 1973. Photo by Tony Barnard. #beatgeneration
#poet #ginsberg #beatgeneration