Delighted to say that our brand new, full length, full colour graphic novel, Global, has been selected to receive a Common Sense Selection Seal. Thank you to our lovely friends at SourceBooks. #GlobalGraphicNovel #graphicnovels #comics #sourcebooks #commonsenseseal #books #eoincolfer #andrewdonkin #giovannirigano
#globalgraphicnovel #graphicnovels #comics #sourcebooks #commonsenseseal #books #EoinColfer #andrewdonkin #giovannirigano
Lovely launch event last night at New York’s legendary, Books of Wonder for our new graphic novel, Global. Seated in the photo left to right are letterer Chris Dicky, Co-writers #EoinColfer #AndrewDonkin, and artist #GiovanniRigano. #graphicnovels #GlobalGraphicNovel #comics
#EoinColfer #andrewdonkin #giovannirigano #graphicnovels #globalgraphicnovel #comics
Today’s first school visit in #Boulder. On tour for our new graphic novel, Global. #globalgraphicnovel #graphicnovels #comics #eoincolfer #andrewdonkin #giovannirigano
#boulder #globalgraphicnovel #graphicnovels #comics #EoinColfer #andrewdonkin #giovannirigano
Hello! In the highly unlikely event you are near any of these events, we’d love to see you at the launch of our new graphic novel, Global. Come one, come all. #Globalgraphicnovel #graphicnovels #comics #globalwarning #climatechange #writing #eoincolfer #andrewdonkin #giovannirigano
#globalgraphicnovel #graphicnovels #comics #globalwarning #climatechange #writing #EoinColfer #andrewdonkin #giovannirigano