Unveiling the Secrets of Decoding Girl's Body Language! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjoL7ScGkMg
Did you know that girls have a secret language? Learn to decode their body language and understand their emotions. Look out for nonverbal cues like crossed arms or playing with hair - they could tell you something surprising about what's really going on inside her head!
#BodyLanguage #GirlsTalk #InterpretNonverbalCues #Girldecoded #DecodingUnspokenMessages #UnderstandHerEmotions #KeepAnEyeOut #SurprisingDiscoveries
#surprisingdiscoveries #keepaneyeout #understandheremotions #decodingunspokenmessages #girldecoded #interpretnonverbalcues #girlstalk #bodylanguage
For #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth this week, I'm looking forward to introducing my students to Dr. Rana El Kaliouby! She's an American scientist of Egyptian heritage who got her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and founded Affectiva, a company that uses artificial intelligence to develop emotional recognition and mental health applications. And of course, the algorithms and formulas used in these efforts are full of mathy and geometric stuff! Check out Dr. Kaliouby's work and her acclaimed best-selling book #GirlDecoded at RanaElKaliouby.com.
#girldecoded #arabamericanheritagemonth