Since I started transitioning, I’ve had to replace all my old underwear and, excusez mon francais, but…sacrebleu! Why the hell is underwear so expensive these days? Seriously, it cost me somewhere between $20-$30 just to buy one pack of bras and panties each! 9_9

I like where I live most of the time, but…can I go back to France yet, si’l vous plait? ;-;

#girlproblems #trans #theusgovernmentsucks #helpmeimpoor

Last updated 2 years ago

Nuki, Literitista Erotique · @tanuki
146 followers · 1551 posts · Server

Half a mind to wake up the guy sleeping next to me and be like, "hey, I'm horny and my vibrator is dead, make me cum!"

I won't do that though, because I'm nice, but more because he'll be all whiny like "I'm tired! I have work in the morning! It's 1 AM!" so it won't get me off either way.


Last updated 2 years ago

Izzy Prime · @NineIsntPrime
240 followers · 296 posts · Server

Just got a push notification from Instagram, here are 70 accounts that follow you that you might want to follow back.

Uh, those are called chasers, so no thanks.

#trans #girlproblems

Last updated 2 years ago

Idk why is trending, but since it is, let me tell you a kind of funny story that happened about a week ago:

I was wearing very baggy sweatpants on the bus. And when I got up, my pants fell down, almost mooning everyone XP

#embarassing #girlproblems #ass

Last updated 2 years ago

I’ve yet to find a way to wash off mascara before bed fully so not to have little bits in my eyes when I wake up.
I use Farmacy Green Clean, wash, then apply Kiehl's face cream and Avocado Eye Cream.
Any tips on lash care?

#trans #transgender #transfem #girlproblems #makeup #makeuptips

Last updated 2 years ago

Control room is cold today. Thankfully I keep my official CBS branded blanket in the newsroom.

#girlproblems #amnewsers

Last updated 2 years ago

First world problems of being a beautiful bitch on the internet, and bots. Get that thing away from me.

#kimpetras #gamergirl #girlproblems #vtuberen

Last updated 2 years ago