Well, I'm a #GirlScout as soon as I do my lifescan. Really, I'll be helping out as a #troop #leader in my daughters troop.
I was a #CubScout for about 2 weeks in the 90s, but many of my interests are #scouting friendly, things like #NativePlants, #radio, and #crafts.
We started #camping as a family. it's miserable, and we love it.
I've got my issues with the GS. Their "promise" is a bit jingoistic and faith-based, with the proviso that you dont have to say the god bits. But it'll do for now.
#camping #crafts #radio #nativeplants #Scouting #cubscout #leader #troop #girlscout
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #FutureArtists with #JackSaunders
Girl Scout:
🎵 Monster
#nowplaying #futureartists #jacksaunders #bbcr1 #girlscout
PCP#793... The Great Escape 2023... three days of great music and great company.... with tracks by... #Germein #PacificAvenue #RebFountain #Mestizo #BibiClub #TheHeavyHeavy #PrimaQueen #Islet #TheOozes #MoonMatess #MarinaHerlop #MelinMelyn #IllConsidered #LEclair #GirlScout #AmritKaur #BehindTheMask #ShunTA #LaChinaca #TheScorpios
http://petecogle.co.uk/2023/05/19/pcp793-the-great-escape-2023/ or via a podcasting app of your choice
#germein #pacificavenue #rebfountain #mestizo #bibiclub #TheHeavyHeavy #PrimaQueen #islet #theoozes #moonmatess #marinaherlop #MelinMelyn #illconsidered #leclair #girlscout #amritkaur #BehindTheMask #shunta #lachinaca #thescorpios
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #FutureArtists with #JackSaunders
Girl Scout:
🎵 Monster
#nowplaying #futureartists #jacksaunders #bbcr1 #girlscout
Oh jeez, just polished off my emergency stash of #GirlScoutCookies at the office. My top three #GirlScout #cookies ranking is:
1. Adventurefuls
2. Thin Mints
3. Samoas
What are yours?
#girlscoutcookies #girlscout #cookies
This is the correct link for #GirlScout Troop 6000. (Also, #GirlScoutCookies are already for sale.😊❤️🍪)
#GirlScouts #Homelessness #Fundraising
#girlscout #girlscoutcookies #girlscouts #homelessness #fundraising
#GirlScout #ThinMints Are Putting Our Planet on Thin Ice https://msmagazine.com/2023/03/13/girl-scout-cookies-palm-oil/
♥️ - Washingtons first homeless shelter based #girlscout troop is back in business
If anyone would like some #GirlScout #Cookies, a friend's daughter is selling them and it would be great if you were to support her!
It's not too late to buy your #GirlScout #Hamantashen in time for #Purim this 5783 #HolidaySeason!
Look for local troops' #hamantash booths in front of grocery stores all across the city!
#girlscout #hamantashen #purim #holidayseason #hamantash #medinatamerica
Me: Phew, I got through #girlscout cookie season without succumbing! I am a god!
Purim: Ha ha ha here come the hamantaschen
Me: Welp
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sFutureAlternative
Girl Scout:
🎵 Weirdo
#nowplaying #radio1sfuturealternative #bbcr1 #girlscout
#GirlScout sells out entire cookie inventory after #DragQueens and other #gay bar patrons rush her stand: ‘Everyone was so friendly and kind’
"I want to teach my kids to be accepting and loving towards people, all kinds of different people... So, as a parent, I really want to be conscious about what I'm doing, by exposing her to and teaching her about love and acceptance and kindness and good entrepreneurial skills."
#GirlScout sells out entire cookie inventory after #DragQueens and other #gay bar patrons rush her stand: ‘Everyone was so friendly and kind’
"I want to teach my kids to be accepting and loving towards people, all kinds of different people. Kids really absorb the energy our parents put out there. The belief that our parents project out there, spoken or unspoken, our kids are absorbing all that. So, as a parent, I really want to be conscious about what I'm doing, by exposing her to and teaching her about love and acceptance and kindness and good entrepreneurial skills."
I applied for the #Medium #partner program! Which means I can make a few pennies for writing! lol. Hey it's a start. I just needed some followers and luckily I met a few great people over there who helped me out.
I don't ever think I'll be a full-time writer, but I would like to be maybe a part-time #writer. It's good to get my #thoughts out and let my #emotions go. I usually feel better after writing. I've had a few ideas for a new peice lately, I just need the #time. With #training the new guy at #work and all the #GirlScout Cookie booths I've been helping out with, #writing usually comes at like 1 am and I'm half awake. However, it does help me to emotionally connect with what I'm working on. It does, however, make editing take much longer the next day or two.
#medium #partner #writer #thoughts #emotions #time #training #work #girlscout #writing
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #NewMusicFix
Girl Scout:
🎵 Weirdo
#nowplaying #bbc6music #NewMusicFix #girlscout
Love #girlscout #cookie season
They are so conveniently packaged, too. One sleeve being one serving and all.
So simple.