Thanks to everyone for a great #GISRUK2023 organisers, presenters, sponsors and attendees :-) A success however you count it. See you in #Leeds next year! #gisruk #gischat
#GISRUK2023 #leeds #gisruk #gischat
I've published my slides from the early career talk I gave this week:
Michael Spencer. (2023, April 21). Sharing code: a personal perspective. GISRUK 2023, Glasgow, Scotland. Zenodo.
#careers #job #RStats #Python #datascience #GIS #GISRUK #GISRUK2023
#gisruk2023 #gisruk #gis #datascience #python #rstats #job #careers
Fantastic weather for #gisruk #GISRUK2023 h/t
Digital (virtual) papers plus sponsor information for #GISRUK2023 here:
h/t #gisruk #gischat
Abigail Page is the second keynote. Introduced by Ana Basiri.
@osgeouk Perhaps we should do #OpenSource bingo?! :-D We've also had R mentioned several times in the Spatial Statistics session #GISRUK2023 #gisruk
#opensource #GISRUK2023 #gisruk
Great to see a variety of #opensource tools at #GISRUK2023 #gisruk Share your photos! #gischat
#opensource #GISRUK2023 #gisruk #gischat
RT @oobr
An energy deprivation-based geodemographic classification is in development by @Meixu_Chen of @CDRC_UK & Liverpool GSDL lab. It identifies 6 distinct area types with differing energy needs & challenges. It'll be published on CDRC Data & CDRC Mapmaker later this year. #GISRUK
Fascinating selection of talks at #gisruk today, including #health #accessibility #landscape and #mentoring - many more tweets over on #birdsite under #gisruk2023 :-D
#gisruk #health #accessibility #landscape #mentoring #birdsite #GISRUK2023
Prof Nick Malleson giving the keynote presentation to open #GISRUK #GISRUK2023
Great discussion on #ChatGPT at #GISRUK2023, lots of potential for teaching and research as well as the challenges #gisruk
Great to be at #gisruk #GISRUK2023 Come and check out our stand, get some stickers and have a chat with @nickbearman OSGeo:UK Local Chair
Great to be at #gisruk #GISRUK2023 Come and check out our stand, get some stickers and have a chat with @nickbearman OSGeo:UK Local Chair
That's my slides all ready for the talk tomorrow. I'm super stoked about a 4 day conference!
Super excited to be presenting at #GISRUK tomorrow! Hopefully see some of you there. I'm sitting on a panel with @alel discussing open working 😍
#careers #datascience #rstats #gisruk