In preparazione al percorso di studio tenuto in #VideoCall da #FraterSRH, in relazione al #TestoSacro della #BhagavadGītā, si condivide nuovamente il seguente #articolo presente nel #Blog, dedicato alla #RegiaImmortalis.
Si tratta di una #sinossi della situazione #storicopolitica in cui la #BhagavadGītā trae la sua origine, utile a comprendere la situazione in cui la #Gita trae le sue origini.
Articolo ➤
Fraternità e LVX!
La Via di Lilith
#insegnamentodellavia #videocall #FraterSRH #testosacro #BhagavadGita #Articolo #blog #regiaimmortalis #sinossi #storicopolitica #gita
Devdutt Pattanaik questions Oppenheimer's understanding of Gita #DevduttPattanaik #Oppenheimer #Gita #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #gita #Oppenheimer #devduttpattanaik
JEAN: <in the buff, holding the #Gita> What’s this
BOB: Sanskrit
JEAN: Read it, read the words
BOB: “I am become death”
<they shag>
#Ramaswamy should use the #Gita quote in “#Oppenheimer” as campaign promo. Saffron smoke means a Hindu president has been chosen
Kotaku: You're Solid Gold, I'll See You In Hell #gaming #tech #kotaku #houseslippers #brianashcraft #briancrecente #humaninterest #stephentotilo #mikemcwhertor #kirkhamilton #rileymacleod #evannarcisse #markserrels #joeljohnson #peterthiel #hulkhogan #sexorcism #therapy #cecilia #harper #nathan #jason #chris #ethan #gita #ps2
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #houseslippers #brianashcraft #briancrecente #humaninterest #stephentotilo #mikemcwhertor #kirkhamilton #rileymacleod #evannarcisse #markserrels #joeljohnson #peterthiel #hulkhogan #sexorcism #therapy #cecilia #harper #nathan #jason #chris #ethan #gita #ps2
This is a great reference on the role of the #Gita #Press in the ideological foundations of Indian right wing ie #Hindutva.
Gita Press and the Making of Hindu India
This is a great reference on the role of the #Gita #Press in the ideological foundations of Indian right wing ie #Hindutva.
Gita Press and the Making of Hindu India
Wow. This is like a #publisher of #nazi #ideological books being awarded the Nobel Peace prize. #Gita #Press was the publisher of Hindu fundamentalists sympathetic to assassins of Gandhi.
#press #gita #ideological #nazi #publisher
Wow. This is like a #publisher of #nazi #ideological books being awarded the Nobel Peace prize. #Gita #Press was the publisher of Hindu fundamentalists sympathetic to assassins of Gandhi.
#press #gita #ideological #nazi #publisher
#Bhagvad #Gita
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत:।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्॥
The meaning of this Geeta Shlok: Arjuna, whenever the religion is defiled and it grows into unrighteousness, then I (Shri Krishna) create self for the upliftment of religion, that is, incarnate.
#Bhagavad #Gita Quotes By **Lord Krishna**
प्रकृते: क्रियमाणानि गुणै: कर्माणि सर्वश: |
अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते
*prakṛiteḥ kriyamāṇāni guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśhaḥ
ahankāra-vimūḍhātmā kartāham iti manyate*
*While actions are being done in every way by the gunas (qualities) of Nature, one who is deluded by egoism thinks thus: 'I am the doer.'*
🔵 La notizia che non avrei mai voluto dare... Denise Galatà, ritrovato il corpo della ragazza dispersa facendo drafting
👉 Leggi l’articolo:
✅ #DeniseGalatà #gita #drafting #corpo #decesso #morte #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
#denisegalata #gita #drafting #corpo #decesso #morte #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
Niente, ieri fantastica #gita in #moto a #Livata. Sono stato benissimo: provo un piacere immenso a girovagare con calma (80-90Km/h) per le strade d'Italia. Sono belle, sono come tracce di pennello su un dipinto.
Molti motociclisti si lanciano a 120-150 Km/h, affrontano curve con il rischio di andare lunghi. Ma come fanno? Ma non si rendono conto di mettere in pericolo gli altri?
Mi ricordo quando presi la patente e l'istruttore mi disse: "ricorda...goditi il viaggio!"
La #gita scolastica è un desiderio di ogni #studente, grande e piccolo, ma adesso sta diventando troppo costosa. Cosa si può fare per abbattere i costi e non rinunciare alla gita, in fondo diritto di ogni studente?
Cosa può fare la scuola per garantire la gita?
Leggi qui:
Social media abuzz with discussion about Supreme God Kabir and his teachings #SupremeGodKabir #KabirBhagwan #Satlok #Gita #Vedasसर्वशक्तिमान_कबीरभगवान
#सरवशकतिमान_कबीरभगवान #vedas #gita #satlok #kabirbhagwan #supremegodkabir
"I am devoid of any signs, serene and pure consciousness and beyond nature. So far I have spent my days bewildered by delusion."
अहो निरञ्जनः शान्तो बोधोsहं प्रकृतेः परः।
एतावन्तमहं कालं मोहेनैव विडम्बितः।।
- Ashtavakra Gita
#gita #newmediaart
#quoteoftheday #gita #newmediaart
One line of #BhagavadGita is - I am you but we are different. #gita #krishna #spiritual
#bhagavadgita #gita #krishna #spiritual
#Spirituality #Gita - Do not allow ourselves to lose our self-confidence - "The self-confidence is like a booster rocket. One should not compare oneself with others and develop an inferiority complex. Even people who are considered to be very strong, in certain circumstances they, can lose their self-confidence." - Gita Jayanti celebrations - Mata Amritanandamayi