Struggling with commit messages? Your task list can solve that. Each completed task can directly become your next commit message. No more guesswork! 🎯 #GitCommit #EngineeringManagement
#engineeringManagement #gitcommit
Want to impress your colleagues with amazing commit messages but don't have the time or inspiration? Check out OpenCommit, a CLI tool that uses GPT to auto-generate impressive commits in just one second! Perfect for when you're in a rush or experiencing writer's block. Give it a try: #opensource #gitcommit #cli #AI #gpt #git #dev
#OpenSource #gitcommit #CLI #AI #gpt #git #dev
11 tips for writing a good Git commit message | #git #gitcommit #gitlab #github
#git #gitcommit #gitlab #github
Je continue à faire mumuse avec tree-sitter et c'est cool. Après #twig et #gitcommit je cherche le prochain langage à parser 😅
Des idées ?
#treesitter #neovim
#twig #gitcommit #treesitter #neovim
Is there anyone who knows how to add a date timestamp to a git commit via ‘git commit -m’? I keep getting “date:invalid date” when I run my commit script. I have in the commit command: git commit -m “`date + ‘%Y%m%d %H:%D’`”. I’m very new with git. #git #gitcommit