Make Use Of: How to Use GitHub Desktop on a Mac #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #GitHubDesktop #Programming #MacApps #GitHub #Mac
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #githubdesktop #programming #macapps #github #mac
Make Use Of: How to Use GitHub Desktop in Windows 10 and 11 #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #GitHubDesktop #Programming #Windows10 #Windows11 #Windows #GitHub
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #githubdesktop #programming #windows10 #windows11 #windows #github
Been on a 3 day code sprint hours on end #vscode #gfuel #spotify #github #githubdesktop #python #twillo #githubcopilot #coding #dellxps
#vscode #gfuel #spotify #GitHub #githubdesktop #python #twillo #githubcopilot #coding #dellxps
Git clients (#GitTower, #GithubDesktop, #Sourcetree, etc.) are all so poorly designed I may have to make my own to get my job done effectively 😈
#gittower #githubdesktop #sourcetree
It's Monday and a brand new day to battle #GithubDesktop. #DetachedHead #HeyYouCanOnlyThrowYourOwnHead
#heyyoucanonlythrowyourownhead #detachedhead #githubdesktop
I was an #emacs #magit purist but #githubdesktop is actually kind of lovely in how smoothly you can cherry pick, merge, squash and re-order commits. Check out this demo of new features from GitHub Universe 2022:
Seeing a few other people do this so I'll follow suit.
Here's a list of hashtags I'll regularly use:
#flutter #dart #mobile #android #ios #cross-platform #pwa #tech #amplitude #branch #firebase #opensource #sentry #mobileapps #webapps #mobiledev #androidstudio #jetbrains #github #githubdesktop #FOSS
#flutter #dart #mobile #android #ios #cross #pwa #tech #amplitude #branch #firebase #opensource #sentry #mobileapps #webapps #mobiledev #androidstudio #jetbrains #github #githubdesktop #foss
Anyone here uses, or has used, ?
#SmartGit seems to be a Git GUI product like #GithubDesktop.
#Gitpod is an online coding solution which takes in your repo from SCM and creates a remote development environment and renders it to you in a browser so that you can make your code changes on any device.
#SmartGit #githubdesktop #gitpod