@izaya Consider sepearating #Domains and #Hosting?
Cuz I can recommend #ClouDNS for #Domains & #DNS and you can then just choose #hosting for #eMail and/or #Web differently...
For example I did put https://os1337.com on #GithubPages and the Domain & #eMail #Forwarder via #ClouDNS...
#forwarder #githubpages #Web #Email #DNS #ClouDNS #hosting #domains
This past month I have been wondering if I chose the right #CMS (#WordPress). I'm getting more and more intrigued by the likes of static site generators like #Hugo or #Jekyll + #GithubPages. And then I discovered #512KBclub and #1MBclub which highlights the unnecessary bloat on many websites. My blog is currently at 809Kb (uncompressed)...
Using WordPress is not as smooth as I like; I often don't feel like writing due to the clunkiness of the interface.
What CMS do you use for your #blog?
#cms #wordpress #hugo #jekyll #githubpages #512kbclub #1mbclub #blog
@globcoco @privateger if you need no interactivity but just static site, consider #GithubPages, which is quite easy to setup even with custom domains...
Ever wondered how to build and deploy multiple versions of documentation to GitHub Pages? Say, latest tagged release and current development branch?
Here's one approach, using dynamic actions matrix, in my pet project's repository.
The results will be in "stable" and "dev" subdirectories, with the main page redirecting to stable.
#github #githubpages #documentation
Just finished @dvrzan 's wonderful tutorials 👇🏼 on #blogging using @johnsundell 's #SwiftPublish and #GithubPages 🙏🏼
Does anyone know where I could find an example repo of a blog published using Publish?
#blogging #swiftpublish #githubpages
@partridge espechally since #GittHub has #GithubPages integrated free of charge and they could've simply gotten yt-dlp.github.io...
Using #Discord is IMHO a disqualifier just like using #GoogleDrive, #MEGA or #Office365...
It's just sus and bad!
#office365 #mega #googledrive #Discord #githubpages #gitthub
So if, like me, you use #Jekyll & #GitHubPages…
… but you're more of a hobbyist than a Super Web Dreamweaver person,,,
…here's what I just did to stop #ChatGPT from crawling my site.
(It's basically how to add a robots.txt file—especially if you have one but don't already know how yours is generated.)
Short 🧵
For those using #githubpages, by default the webcomic layout I use doesnt put in a screenshot on social media.
I do still hide it in a content warning, but by default there is no social media image.
Did you know we're running our Tech Blog https://blog.zero-iee.com using Hugo, GitHub Actions and GitHub Pages? :github:
The content is composed using Markdown. Hugo (run via GitHub Actions) translates HTML templates and Markdown files to a collection of HTML files. GitHub Pages then displays the resulting HTML files and handles SSL.
All we need to do is write a new article in Markdown syntax and push it to our GitHub repository. HTML generation and publishing are fully automated.
While we could host a CICD pipeline and a web server ourselves, we prefer the current low-effort soultion. 😉
#hugo #gohugo #markdown #website #github #githubActions #gitHubPages #zeroGmbh
#hugo #gohugo #markdown #website #github #githubactions #githubpages #zerogmbh
@thelinuxfraud Currently, my resume website is a #Hugo generated static site hosted on #GitHubPages. I use #GitHubActions to run the build and deploy to pages. #Jekyll is a first-class citizen with #GitHubPages, so it just kind of works out of the box last I tried it. But there is also #Vercel for first-class #eleventy support I believe. I specifically optimize for doing things extremely cheap for that kind of stuff.
#hugo #githubpages #githubactions #jekyll #vercel #eleventy
Moving some things around and reposting the Directory of most of the Universes I write in. This reposting fixes characters that don't appear on my main website.
Ya tengo bastante tiempo con la curiosidad de tener de nuevo un #blog, pero no he sabido si recurrir a las viejas herramientas (#Blogger, #WordPress, #Tumblr), o si mejor explorar alguna alternativa nueva.
He visto, aunque muy por encima, opciones como #TiddyWiki o montar un sitio usando #Hugo hospedado en #Netlify o #GitHubPages
¿Ustedes que recomendarían?
#blog #blogger #wordpress #tumblr #tiddywiki #hugo #netlify #githubpages #dudas #blogs #internet #alternativas #host #sitioweb
*Gilfoyle Voice* "Kinda like that one?"
*points at #tumblr & #WordPress and #GithubPages*
#githubpages #WordPress #tumblr
Full ack. Everyone should be in charge of their own platform. And with competent website builders akin to #squarespace, #wordpress and #writefreely heck even #githubpages it has never been easier to do so.
#squarespace #wordpress #writefreely #githubpages
發現 #githubpages 是好物,想到不知道哪邊放靜態網頁,可以放在那邊喔。
目前仍請大家幫忙學術問卷填寫,仍會抽出另 50 位幸運得主,贈送 100 LikeCoin 唷!如果您願意參加抽獎活動 (贈送 100 likecoin*100名),也請您最後填寫 likeCoin 錢包地址,以便參加及通知獲獎,謝謝您的協助!😍
I recently set up my website on #GitHubPages with a #Jekyll theme called #TypeOnStrap, which comes with a #DarkMode / #LightMode toggle. I don't know if this theme will work on your website, but it's open-source, so it might at least give you some clues on where to start. https://sylhare.github.io/Type-on-Strap
#githubpages #jekyll #typeonstrap #darkmode #lightmode
On the off chance you:
- use #GitHubActions to
- publish via #GitHubPages, and also
- have been scratching your head as to why it's silently failing to do the thing these last few days,
you might be interested in this discussion & (temporary?) solution: https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/55820
Hopefully this info saves someone else an hour or three?
I am getting ready to roll-out pinned posts on my personal blog, powered by #githubpages #jekyll and #beautifuljekyll created by Dean Attali.
#githubpages #jekyll #beautifuljekyll
If you have a custom web domain, but don't want to fork out a ton of money to get email hosting, consider Forward Email https://forwardemail.net/en . Free or $3 a month with additional security option.
This coupled with #githubpages and #publii and you have a super low cost web hosting solution.
Day 5 has started already! #Juptyer (bit of basics + plenty of tricks) and #Documentation (basics, comments, #readme:s, hands-on with #Sphinx, #GithubPages).
Now: jupyter
~1.25 hr from now: Documentation
#juptyer #documentation #readme #sphinx #githubpages #Coderefinery #rseng