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GammaRae · @gammarae
46 followers · 31 posts · Server
Judd · @Judd
1259 followers · 1168 posts · Server

I asked Google's Bard AI thing how Vecna would propose marriage to Vlaakith...

#DnD #vecna #githyanki #ttrpg #undead #vlaakith #lichqueen

Last updated 2 years ago

Judd · @Judd
1030 followers · 405 posts · Server

This Githyanki question is one I was born to answer. I love the idea of alien armies fighting to hold beach-heads that make no sense to the humans. Dragons soaring overhead, Illithid psionic energy cackling with Kirby bubbles.

Good times.

Also, I wrote a short PDF on DM's Guild about a Githyanki Invasion. Link and cover below:

#githyanki #DnD #dungeonsAndDragons #dmsguild

Last updated 2 years ago

Judd · @Judd
985 followers · 295 posts · Server

Here's an old bit of lore I made up during our first foray into D&D's 3rd Edition.

"After serving a term with the Lich Queen’s Righteous Air Cavalry, a Red Dragon can request the service of a Legion of Githyanki soldiers."

#DnD #dungeonsAndDragons #githyanki #dragon

Last updated 2 years ago

Wilhelm Fitzpatrick · @rafial
454 followers · 1467 posts · Server

Fedi-this and fedi-that suddenly trigged a buried memory of _Fedifensor_, a Dragon Magazine module from way back in the day about a magical sword and a Githyanki fortress in the astral plane.

I wound up running it, not with its original plot line but as part of a cobbled together quest triggered by a player losing their character to an effect that prohibited resurrection. Plane-hopping ensued as part of the attempt to track down where that character's vital spirit had been imprisoned.

I recall that campaign also using _The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan_, only backwards -- the PCs portaled into the heart of the temple from somewhere else, and then had to fight their way out. I recall having to jigger things on the fly since some of the traps didn't really make sense when you were coming at them from the wrong side :)

#githyanki #ttrpg #adnd #dnd

Last updated 2 years ago