【Git】gitignore がなぜか反映されない問題、既に tracked だからでした
#Git #GitHub #初心者 #gitignore #新人プログラマ応援
#git #github #初心者 #gitignore #新人プログラマ応援
RT @0gis0
Esta extensión para Visual Studio Code me parece un MUST: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=codezombiech.gitignore no solo puedes añadir el gitignore que necesitas para tu proyecto sino que te permite hacer una actualización del mismo si añades otros tipos que lo complementan #vscode #gitignore #git
Esta extensión para Visual Studio Code me parece un MUST: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=codezombiech.gitignore no solo puedes añadir el gitignore que necesitas para tu proyecto sino que te permite hacer una actualización del mismo si añades otros tipos que lo complementan #vscode #gitignore #git
Am heutigen #toolsday wollen wir euch ein online Dienst zur Erstellung von gitignore Dateien vorstellen. Wer von euch heufig #git Projekte anlegt, freut sich sicher über ein wenig nützliche Hilfe bei der Erzeugung der #gitignore. Mit gitignore.io gehosted von toptal lassen sich via API oder auf der Webseite gitignoredateien speziell für die eigene Projekte erzeugen. Dabei werden Programmiersprachen, Template und vieles mehr sprachen zur auswahl angeboten. https://github.com/toptal/gitignore.io
2/2 my custom #GitIgnore (#emacs editor + #Python stuff):
Controversial take on #GitIgnore: don't put editor backup files in a #repository's .gitignore, your editor is your choice so others don't need to know about it: Put it in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore instead (or somewhere you set with core.excludesFile).
This also reduces my need to set up a .gitignore for every new repository, or throw in long automatically generated files with excludes for every editor that exists.
Reply includes my own ignore patterns. #git 1/2
Little remind: Setting up a global .gitignore file
« My repository doesn’t care about your editor configuration. »
Ah. That moment of gitignore-ance when you realize that ignore isn't actually doing regular expressions; the * just tricked you. #git #gitignore #regex
I found a neat way to use #yasnippet in #Emacs so that it presents a selection of templates from GitHub's gitignore collection whenever I visit a new #gitignore buffer -- no more excuses for not adding a gitignore file to every new repository! :D
Quite easy to extend to e.g. LICENSE files to be populated with CC/FOSS licenses, ...
I just asked on Super User: Are .gitignore files from directories above the repository's or from home directory loaded in any versions of Git? #git #gitignore https://superuser.com/questions/1519345/are-gitignore-files-from-directories-above-the-repositorys-or-from-home-direct