🚦 #GitmoEast 🇬🇧 : Green lights for #freakfood. No labeling required if this passes. Courtesy of King Charles, the same one who once stood up for traditional Stilton Cheese (bugs). ☣️ #GMO #gentech
#gitmoeast #FreakFood #gmo #gentech
£20 and £50 bank notes are going out of fashion in #GitmoEast 🇬🇧 .
Still have any? Get rid of them fast.
What are they doing next?
ITM demonstrators!
How'a'bout that them there CHEMTRAILS over #gitmoEast south east skies?
Is it me or have the chems been on overdrive the last fortnight or what?
#gitmoeast #geoengeenering #fullspectrumdomination
@shill @Therealdcgirl I guess I'll find out when the politicians come back from holiday in #gitmoeast here, when they lock us all up again and force my daughter to learn here schooling through Microsoft teams.
Like they did last time.
@CarBlanez33 over here in olde blighty aka #gitmoeast a 'hazy' beer means its 'unfined'.
Brewers use 'isinglass' which is fish bladder, and other products which attract the yeast in a beer, the yeast becomes heavy when it bonds with the isinglass and it sinks to the bottom of the cask.
There is no coincidence in the fact that brewers began to look for fish-based alternatives when the 'vegan' crowd began taking over the brains of marketing stooges.
Cc @Johncdvorak
#gitmoeast #amicropublicanstruth
ITM buckets!
Kickin around Brighton aka #gitmoeast #greenzone gettin' mah boots on the ground for ya.
There's a lot to like about this place which makes me as wary as I've ever been.
#SlipperySlope policy on the vaccination app in #GitmoEast, a.k.a. the UK 🇬🇧 . This is slipping towards a China style #socialcredit system, with data on mental health and life style. 🕵🏼 #Orwellian
#gitmoeast #socialcredit #slipperyslope #orwellian
@FarmerTodd @CSB im about to head there to tap some casks might hang out in #juJitsinki play slme geetar or something.
But no, our #gitmoeast gubbermint were ordered to make a scapegoat out of hospitality and so we are forcibly shut and i am only allowed to do deliveries.
ITM Quesadillas!
Your #KoK has once again been approached by #BBCradioKent to espouse my infectious positivity at 8:15am GMT tomorrow which is over at https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_radio_kent
The segment is dealing with #gitmoeast gubbermint proposals to have mandatory negative test results and/or vaccination proof to simply enter into a Pub and have a libation.
I shall endeavour to have a source pull the clip from the BBC portal and this time get it chopped up n digestible bites n sent over to our dear @adam
ITM funsters!
You wanna know whats pressure?
Teenagers under #gitmoeast here. Wearin maksks in school even though their mum said "I've told em your exempt."
Boat races all covered in spots and such.
Spare a thought for them pour souls.
ITM yuppies!
accodring to podfathergear.com the one thing our dear @adam can't do without is his precious Motu Ultralite MK4 audio interface...
Sourcing one of these in olde Blighty aka #GitmoEast is harder than finding a Unicorn in sweaty sockland.
Who'd've thunk getting #aLiveOnLine in style would've been such a sweatfest.
#aLiveOnLine #gitmoeast #NothingWorthDoingIsEverEASY
@vandys @CSB yeah the missus seems to be coming through, i've been craming vit d3 down her for months now so all good there.
I trust you've done your research on Dr Procter and to me makes lots of sense. Seeing the medical professionals tearing themselves apart over the treatment on this has left an embittered and battered mental battleground for the slaves of #gitmoeast. They simply refuse to accept any help unless its from the BBC.
I'm looking forward to contracting it to telt the truth...
@SirBemrose slow you say? Theres nothing slow about it. G'd luck though, if you wanna see what you got in store come visit your #Kok in olde blighty aka #gitmoeast we're waaaay ahead of you bruv.
ITM Boxers!
well well well who managed to get through a sleep WITHOUT an onslaught of demonic suggestion...
Your #KoK thats who!
Thank you for your courage.
I knew the #BigMan was telling me to get it on here that the collective will of NAS could thwart the evil within and it worked!
Well done here's a pithy example of the BS meme floating round the whatsapp's in #gitmoEast
ITM Innocent Bystanders!
To show how fair & bipartisan our News is over in olde blighty aka #gitmoEast they gave equal oppurtunity for the voices of 'muricah to put their point across. My last post was the chosen demonRat ITV interviewed.
This is the 'man on the street' they went with for Oranges camp.
#gitmoeast #reinforcestereotypes #identittiePolitics
ITM cherubs!
Oh look! Your #gitmoeast gubbermint gave you a way out of being muzzled.
ITM Luddites!
Show prep for @sirseatsitter's #ABSna6pack done!
ss'gonna be tight.
here have a #rayciss meme floating around #gitmoEast
#ABSna6pack #rayciss #gitmoeast #shame
I ingratiated myself with the #foamer by mentioning my 'friends' allegation that the number of cars on the zephyr reflects the state of the US economy.
He proceeded to tell me that Freight services are responsible for tardy civilian train operations here in good olde #Gitmoeast
@ProfWorr @SirSpencer @Greycoop @CSB @raintrees @rwnash wait what geezer is a lower class compliment in #gitmoeast
@danuker @CSB @Mummabear @bigl0af@social.foxfam.club
...as of yet you don't believe us.
The guy climbing out of the window is a fake as far as I'm aware.
The case of the missing children is unverifiable in #gitmoeast however anonymous sources on "debunked" blog sites like https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2015/03/child-trafficking-by-government-canada.html present a plethora of tertiary information. The situation is unresolved.