TIL that gitolite exposes a way to perform all kinds of things via special commands, like changing the default branch:
ssh gitolite@git.example.com symbolic-ref cool-repo HEAD refs/heads/my-default-branch
You have to enable the command first via gitolite.rc, but doing this avoid having futz around with gitolite repos directly.
I have started moving my private #git repositories to #gitolite #selfhosted on a #raspberrypi at home. GitHub has its uses but git was built for decentralisation. I have previously experimented with self-hosting #gitea but I don't need a web interface or collaboration tools for my private libraries and data – SSH and a terminal suit me just fine.
#git #gitolite #selfhosted #raspberrypi #gitea
I just learned of https://gitolite.com/gitolite/overview.html, which seems to be an alternative to #git forges like Github and Gitlab. If I'm not mistaken, I don't manage repos large enough to need it. But I love to see #GPL #FOSS stuff and to learn that some really big players are using #gitolite (Redhat, the Linux Kernel, KDE).
@ahnlak For a GitHub-like experience, I would recommend #Gitea like others did.
In my home infra I am happy with a much more minimal #gitolite.
It also might be that #git itself would be enough without any "repo managers" by using it directly to push over ssh to a remote bare repository. In this case I would also look into adding #cgit as a lightweight frontend.
Happy hacking!
@lispi314 as was already suggested — plain #git will do just fine. Should you need to share the repository with others I can’t recommend #gitolite enough: https://gitolite.com
#question for the #sysadmin / #linux folks; There is a lot of focus on the huge software deployments, for large companies with hundreds of employees.
But what of #software for #smallbusiness #deployment? Small software that can be run on modest hardware and fully utilized. Something that is meant for an IT department of 1-2 people.
Examples include using #Matrix or #XMPP for the internal chat system, #Gitolite for git and #OpenLDAP for authorization/authentication (w. backend).
#question #sysadmin #linux #software #smallbusiness #deployment #matrix #xmpp #gitolite #openldap
Ok, Stolperstein 3 ist jetzt auch gelöst. Weitere #Gitea-Tests folgen.
(An sich läuft ja #gitolite bisher zufriedenstellend, aber ne Weboberfläche und ein paar weitere Features sind halt schon nice. Und ich bin halt ein Verfechter des #selfhosting und kann (fremde) Clouds nicht leiden. Sorry, bin zu alt, mir fehlt da vertrauen. Selbst wenn die fremde Cloud auf OSS setzt. Aber das nur am Rande)
Private git repos (settled!) https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2022/07/04/private-git-repos-done/ #git #gitolite
Gitolite image - Helm chart inside https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2022/03/18/gitolite-dibs-helm-inside/ #gitolite #git #helm #kubernetes
#gitolite #git #helm #kubernetes
Gitolite image - Gitweb https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2022/03/15/gitolite-dibs-gitweb/ #gitolite #git #perl #gitweb
Gitolite image - Helm chart https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2022/02/22/gitolite-dibs-helm/ #gitolite #git #perl
Gitolite - a dibs repository https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2022/02/21/gitolite-dibs/ #gitolite #git #perl
Gitolite - automatic main branch detection https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2022/02/20/gitolite-auto-main-branch/ #gitolite #git #perl
“Ce dernier n’utilisait pas #Gitolite, mais utilisait à la place git-http-backend derrière l’authentification #ApacheDigest 2” : complément d’information sur la cyber-attaque envers #PHP !
#gitolite #ApacheDigest #php #securite #motdepasse #md5 #http
@jamesrichardson I run #gitolite with #nginx, but with #cgit instead. Check the permissions for the #gitolite directories, I think the default ones are a bit too restrictive.