I thought that I can't perform #GITT on Autolab with NOVA software without manual control of every step, yet there's an application note that says "Yes you can!" (https://www.metrohm.com/content/metrohm/en/applications/application-notes/autolab-applikationen-anautolab/an-bat-003.download.pdf). Yet it contains nothing on how the procedure is built (a .nox file, please?), and most importantly, how to break out of a nested loop to start a reverse cycle, which was a problem to begin with. I guess it's BioLogic for now. I like how NOVA looks but the performance and UX are frustrating.
Dr. Werner #Gitt über das gottlose #Deutschland: #Abtreibung, #Homoehe, #KlimaReligion, #Evolutionslüge
#gitt #deutschland #abtreibung #homoehe #klimareligion #evolutionsluge