@bitbonk @khalidabuhakmeh @andrewlock
Back to this topic: We had to move from #GitTower for Mac to the Windows version and I'm so glad to have the git integration in rider as an alternative ❤️
Waarom kan die sidebar niet weg in #GitTower? Daar heb ik het het moeilijkst mee als ik dat nog eens opengooi.
Git clients (#GitTower, #GithubDesktop, #Sourcetree, etc.) are all so poorly designed I may have to make my own to get my job done effectively 😈
#gittower #githubdesktop #sourcetree
@bigzaphod @nielsk @patrick I use the awesome #GitTower gui and highly recommend it. https://www.git-tower.com
There are ‘purists’ who argue git should be used via command line and a gui’s a crutch that holds you back. About as true as saying that files on your computer should be managed via Terminal. There are times that’s the most efficient way to work, but for everything else, I recommend the Finder for files, and Git Tower for repos. 👍🏼