#Opera #TheMetropolitanOperaChorusandOrchestra #Aida #GiuseppiVerdi
1988 performance.Leontne Price isn't in this.but I like this opera.They have the synopsis of the story,they are telling.The opera is in Italian.but when you follow the storyline,it translates it into English.Thats why history is so important.This is from my personal library.
#opera #themetropolitanoperachorusandorchestra #aida #giuseppiverdi
#Operas #GiacomoPuccini #MadamaButterfly #LaBoheme
#GiuseppiVerdi #Aida #IlTrovatore
#Mozart #TheMarriageofFigaro #familylibrary
Like Aida and Madama Butterfly.Never seen performed live,went to YouTube to see the complete operas.So I decided to get this collection for myself and family.They have the complete libretto with annotations.
Complete history of the composers.Translation of the opera to English,so you can understand the story.
#familylibrary #operas #GiacomoPuccini #madamabutterfly #laboheme #giuseppiverdi #aida #iltrovatore #Mozart #themarriageoffigaro