🤝 The Art of Giving and Receiving 🤝
"Give without remembering. Take without forgetting."
Let kindness be your guide in both giving and receiving. Share your blessings freely, and when it's your turn to receive, do so with gratitude. In this cycle of generosity, we create a world enriched by compassion and connection. 🌟💞
#kindnessmatters #giveandtake #spreadlove
Also, check out the potential of the #FiveMinuteFavor 🙏❤️.
“…givers like Adam Rifkin are able to spark a more powerful form of reciprocity. Instead of trading value, Rifkin aims to add value. His giving is governed by a simple rule: the five-minute favor. “You should be willing to do something that will take you five minutes or less for anybody.””
#fiveminutefavor #books #giveandtake
“Adam [Rifkin] always wants to make sure that whoever he’s giving to is also giving to somebody else. If people benefit from his advice, he makes sure they help other people he gives advice to—it’s creating a network, and making sure that everybody in his network is helping each other, paying it forward.”
#Books #GiveandTake #helpingothers #PayItForward
—Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success by Adam M. Grant Ph.D.
#books #giveandtake #helpingothers #payitforward
#Resolutions should replace old priorities, not add to them.
#resolutions #giveandtake #reorganize #reprioritize #refocus
Today's card is Temperance
Give a little love, take a little love,
be prepared to forsake a little love.
And when the sun comes shining through,
we'll know what to do.
(Bay City Rollers)
#HappyNewYear #balance #giveandtake #love
#BeKind #NoDiscrimination #InspirationalQuote
#TarotReading #Tarot #TarotCommunity
#Bournemouth #Dorset
#happynewyear #balance #giveandtake #love #bekind #nodiscrimination #inspirationalquote #TarotReading #Tarot #tarotcommunity #modernwitchtarot #bournemouth #dorset #Laurajk32
“Adam (Rifkin) always wants to make sure that whoever he’s giving to is also giving to somebody else. If people benefit from his advice, he makes sure they help other people he gives advice to—it’s creating a network, and making sure that everybody in his network is helping each other, paying it forward.”
#books #bookrecommendations #GiveandTake #AdamGrant #TwinzTalk
— Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success by Adam M. Grant Ph.D.
#books #bookrecommendations #giveandtake #adamgrant #twinztalk