David Gross · @moorlock
50 followers · 133 posts · Server zirk.us

When the U.S. attacked Iraq in 2003 I stopped paying U.S. federal taxes, and haven't paid since.

The IRS has 10 years to try to collect before the statute of limitations kicks in.

Each year they fail, I donate the uncollected taxes to charity.

This year, my 2012 taxes became permanently uncollectable. I just donated $4,384 to the Top Charities Fund run by (givewell.org/top-charities-fun).

#givewell #taxresistance #taxredirection #EffectiveAltruism

Last updated 1 year ago

Erwin Rossen · @erwinrossen
63 followers · 422 posts · Server mas.to

is a nonprofit within the movement that evaluates and recommends charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar. It focuses on cost-effectiveness and evidence of impact.

In 2020, GiveWell donors contributed over $240 million to its recommended charities. These donations will save over 150,000 lives.


In this thread I will explain in short how GiveWell translates a donated dollar amount into a number of saved lives.

#effectivealtuism #givewell

Last updated 2 years ago

Ross Llewallyn · @enduringbeta
2 followers · 10 posts · Server home.social

It's not a lot this year, but I just donated ~3% of my income to GiveWell, as I intend to do each year for the foreseeable future.

It's not all I give, but the yearly N% is a consistent structure that I'm grateful to have heard from James for how his St. Louis community requests membership give to keep things going.

#effectivealtruism #givewell

Last updated 2 years ago

tripu · @tripu
163 followers · 1324 posts · Server qoto.org

๐Ÿ“… International Effective Giving Day ๐ŸŒ

A free online giving you the chance to hear from some of the world's most eminent thinkers in . Keynote address: Nobel Laureate Professor . Supported by the worldโ€™s leading organizations in effective philanthropy and charity evaluation. Also featuring: Johannes Ackva (Climate Lead Founders Pledge), Leah Edgerton (Executive Director Animal Charity Evaluators), Neil Buddy Shah (Managing Director, ).

Nov 30 2020 @ 18:45 CET


#event #effectivealtruism #michaelkremer #givewell

Last updated 4 years ago