The #QatarAirways #GKA #Kite #WorldTour returns to the Cape Verdean island of #Sal for the first #Kite-Surf event of 2023. #CapeVerde is one of the #best #wave locations in the #world. It’s hosted numerous #historical events over a number of years. It’s home to some of the most complete #watersport #athletes out there and in March we’re bringing the best kite-surf athletes to compete at our first Kite-Surf tour event in 2023.
#qatarairways #gka #kite #worldtour #sal #capeverde #best #wave #world #historical #watersport #athletes #caboverde #kapvert #pontapreta #kitesurf
The competitors who will participate in the #GKA #Kite-Surf World Cup Cabo Verde 2023 from 17th to 27th March are arriving on the #island of #Sal, Cabo Verde.
#CaboVerde #CapeVerde #KapVert #PontaPreta #KiteSurf #KiteSurfing #Surf #WordCup
#gka #kite #island #sal #caboverde #capeverde #kapvert #pontapreta #kitesurf #kitesurfing #surf #wordcup