Configurar root-tail y gkrellm en Fluxbox
Continuing the 25-year journey through my #Linux screenshots.
Here's one from 2000 where I connect to my #Amiga 4000 via vnc, ironically watching Microsoft's website in the Voyager web-browser.
#gkrellm on the right, a faithful companion even now. And as always #fvwm as window manager (almost always, I cheated with KDE for a while).
My current desktop is pictured here. Courtesy of: #fvwm3, #tint2 (the bar on top), a bunch of custom widgets in the tint2-bar, #Memphis98 as gtk-theme, qt's built-in Windown-like theme, #GkrellM on the right.
#fvwm3 #tint2 #memphis98 #gkrellm
Here's my story about a long perplexing frequent micro stutter that occurred when gaming on Xorg but not on wayland. Maddening. It turns out it was cauesd by Nvidia GPU temperature monitoring in gkrellm.
#linux #linuxgaming #xorg #wayland #nvidia #gkrellm
I've been using #GKrellM ( , a system monitor) basically since I've started using #Linux in 2000
It's currently flagged for removal from #Gentoo. No maintainer for the package. And upstream is dead. Literally, even, the main dev Bill Wilson died in 2021 :(
That's how my current gkrellm setup looks. Well, "current", it's not I've changed it in any way ever
Gkrellm as Linux system status monitor is still king of my hill. I tried to give Conky a new try while being in the process of getting to know the Awesome window manager and configuring to taste (still mostly on floating layout though). The Gkrellm CPU diagram displays system, user and nice times, while Conky does not differ between those. Similar for the network traffic for instance.
Hopefully, #Gkrellm never dies.
Here you go, in the bottom right hand corner, who's bright idea were they?
I think I might move #GKrellm down just a smidge to hide them from my sight (;*
There was I thinking telling a process to use only one CPU, via schedtool would mean I'd have a #gkrellm showing one CPU being less busy than the other.
But, maybe I've misunderstood what schedtool is capable of...
Or perhaps setting it to a nice level of 10, and making SCHED_BATCH as well as changing its affinity have overriden each other?;*
#gkrellm #bionic #blueheart_gkrellm