Last catching up post for May, sheesh... wipes sweat...
Does anyone that your antagonist trusts try to rein them in?
He doesn't trust anyone. Underlings who openly even slightly disagree with his methods disappear.
What colors do you associate with your WIP? Why?
The colours of nature, mostly the different shades of green in forest, grassland, swamp, muddy rivers etc. or blues for clear lakes, the ocean, the sky. Greys and white for the mountains, winter landscapes, stormy weather etc. Most of the story takes place somewhere in nature., that's why.
#WritingWonders #GL523
What type of government exists in your story?
Elected monarchy. Kingdoms aren't inherited. Royalty are elected and if they are good, they can keep the job for as long as they want to. If some of the inhabitants strongly disagree with the way leaders rule, they will call for a petition and when enough people support, a new election will be called. Their power is limited and checked by ministers who undergo a similar procedure. Terminology needs work. 😂
#WritingWonders #GL523
What genre of music best fits your current WIP?
I'm not interested in genres and can't identify them. I know what I like and listen to that. I don't usually think about theme songs or music, I just listen to stuff that helps me with the writing mood and which can change from one day to the next. But playing with the idea for #WritingWonders is fun. So, genre: no idea. Rock? The album 'Songs from the wood' by Jethro Tull fits the story quite well.
Does the media or public opinion play a role in your story?
I haven't figured out how media work in that world yet. They have means of communication and spreading news but I haven't fleshed it out beyond ideas yet. But yes, as everywhere, public opinion does play an important role. People let themselves be manipulated. Sadly the magical people are just as gullible as we are.
#WritingWonders #GL523
Does your antagonist have a favorite food or drink?
Oysters and champagne. And everything that is expensive and rare and shows how powerful he is. In reality he doesn't care either way. Food is just nourishment for him but he understands the social implications. Please no one give him the idea of a dragon steak... I shall have to make them poisonous...
#WritingWonders #GL523
Secondary character POV: What was the best thing the MC has done for you? AND What was the worst thing the MC has done to you?
Yandro says:
Stevie saved my life after the battle of the Rift. That's supposed to be a good thing, right? But it's also been the worst thing she did for me. I lost my foot. And they can't regenerate it. I should have died. I'm no use to anyone like this. They don't know what to do with me. I can't cope... I hate her.
#WritingWonders #GL523
Do you prefer writing the first or last chapters?
Definitely the first chapter. I'm full of confidence and energy and can't wait to tell the story. That lasts until around chapter 5 when I realize that my plot sucks, that my writing sucks, that my characters suck and what am I even doing? After that stage it's gnashing teeth and pulling hair. I have yet to finish a story I'm satisfied with. 😳
#WritingWonders #GL523
MC POV: If you had to give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be?
Stevie: "I'd say 'Hug Mum as often as you can. Don't be so self-centered and pay attention to what's going on in your family."
Robin says, "Don't let Mum do what she did. Even if it means staying in the lab forever. Which is silly because at four I really didn't have a choice in anything that happened to me."
#WritingWonders #GL523
Do illicit substances play any role in your story?
Yes. Not blatantly at the moment, barely perceptible, but overall, they have a central role.
I've been very busy this weekend, not much interaction from me, sorry.
#WritingWonders #GL523
If they knew who you were, would your MC save your life?
Since they are decent people, yes they would. And they know that their existence depends on me. 😂
#WritingWonders #GL523
Do many people find your MC attractive?
I don't know, depends on how it's defined. Stevie and Robin aren't ugly, although Stevie thinks that Robin is the looker of the two of them. So, based on looks, yes, I guess so.
#WritingWonders #GL523
Secondary character POV: do you trust the MC? Why / why not?
Vellia says, "At first, when I captured them, I thought they were spies but when I got to know them better, I changed my mind. My dragon friend Dramm likes them both and Dramm is the best judge of character.
I also trust them because I saw them help the wounded after the battle of The Neck. They assisted us and worked themselves to exhaustion. They didn't have to do that. They deserve my trust."
#WritingWonders #GL523
Is your MC good at relationships in general?
Stevie is a loving and fierce, protective sister. She sometimes wonders if she is a good friend or maybe too selfish because she thinks her friends are kinder to her than she is to them. Because of moving to another continent and other reasons she doesn't have that many close friends. The relationship with her mother was good.
She is surprised and delighted that Vellia and some dragons befriend her.
#WritingWonders #GL523
Is your MC good at romantic relationships?
I'm not sure I know what this means. Stevie is neither clingy nor demanding. She wants to be respected as a lover and partner and is willing to do the same. She does like to get flowers and little gifts and also likes to surprise her lover with things she knows he'll like. She's hasn't found 'the love of her life' yet and is generally too busy to worry about that.
#WritingWonders #GL523
MC POV: Have you ever broken anyone’s heart?
Stevie: I don't think so, not that I know of. I've had boyfriends but we parted amiably. We had fun together but found out that we didn't fit in the long run.
I don't think anyone ever pined over me or something. And I try to be kind if people aren't rude or mean to me or Robin.
Robin: I haven't met many people and I certainly haven't broken any hearts. I'm sure of that. Why doesn't anyone ask about my heart?
#WritingWonders #GL523
Share a description of a secondary character.
Stevie says:
Four pairs of eyes stare at us. No one says a word. I only now notice how alike three of them look with wavy, raven-black hair and their grey eyes so dark that they seem almost black. They must be related and they are gorgeous. Vellia is really still a girl, 15 years old perhaps, but will be a stunning beauty when she’s older. She’s quirky and lively which makes her even more attractive.
#WritingWonders #GL523
No, I don't think so. It's not something I enjoy doing.
#WritingWonders #GL523
Catching up - You were warned, I made a poll, no one objected and I really like the May prompts, so here we go...
Stevie cries her heart out when her mum dies but later she doesn't have much time for grief. Everything is new, full of danger and fear, astonishment and wonder would be the most prevalent emotions. There's not much reason for laughter.
It's nearly the same for Robin.
Overall there's a bit more crying.
#WritingWonders #GL523
#WritingWonders 7. What does your MC look like?
Left: Stevie, right: Robin. Siblings. The images are created with #artbreeder. I like to have images, makes it easier for me to 'see' things in my mind. But I'm not fond of looking for actor or model pictures, they're real people, I don't want to see them as my characters. I also collect landscape art and photographs, nature scenes and the like. All of this is just for me, I tick visually.
#gl523 #artbreeder #writingwonders