Dreaming about mountain worlds past &present! Join us in the world of #glacialarchaeology, rock crystal & crystal hunters of today & the #mesolithic. The exhibition «Mountain ice–rock crystal in the stone age” (Talmuseum Ursern, #Andermatt) is open until Easter & again from June.
#glacialarchaeology #Mesolithic #andermatt
Réchauffement climatique : de plus en plus de découvertes en #archéologie glaciaire ? Avec le recul des #glaciers, des vestiges archéologiques parfois millénaires refont surface. - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8hw3k4 #alpes #climateheritage #glacialarchaeology via #franceculture
#archeologie #glaciers #alpes #ClimateHeritage #glacialarchaeology #franceculture
Thank you @scaseyartist, @Gerrydrawing and @DrawingProjects for inviting me & Regula to such an inspiring event. Sarah's work gives fascinating insights into #glacialarchaeology. Go see her show EMERGENCY! if you can!
RT @scaseyartist
What a pleasure to hear archaeologists #RegulaGubler and @dropsofhazel speak about their amazing work with alpine glacial archaeology @DrawingProjects yesterday. A great introduction to the topic th…
#glacialarchaeology #regulagubler
Really looking forward to this. Do joins us for some gorgeous #archaeology, #art & #glaciers!
RT @scaseyartist
Join archaeologists #RegulaGubler and @dropsofhazel talking about #GlacialArchaeology in conversation with me, chaired by @Gerrydrawing for the next event in the series accompanying the #emergency exhibition @DrawingProjects on 1 December details & register ⬇️ https://twitter.com/drawingprojects/status/1593559145063813120
#art #glaciers #regulagubler #glacialarchaeology #emergency #archaeology
A new study suggests that the remarkable preservation of Ötzi the Iceman may not require such unusual conditions as archaeologists have believed.
#glacialarchaeology #archaeology #otzi
If you are near Trowbridge UK, do go and see @scaseyartist's Emergency! exhibition. She lets objects from #glacialarchaeology sites of the #Alps speak through her impactfull #drawings.
RT @DrawingProjects
Our current exhibition - Emergency! Sarah Casey - is on show until 17 December 2022. See our website for further information. The exhibition and events are supported by Arts Council England, Lancaster University and presented …
#glacialarchaeology #Alps #drawings
RT @lauraheathstout@twitter.com
@emorycollege@twitter.com @EmoryUniversity@twitter.com We're starting close to home, in the Americas, going from the US south through Latin America, with papers by @nityaeng101@twitter.com on #confederatestatues in #Richmond, by @pjhlem13@twitter.com on #bearsears, by #rowanmurphy1 on #teotihuacan, and by Henry on #glacialarchaeology! #emoryheritagetc
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lauraheathstout/status/1330148980341280768
#confederatestatues #richmond #bearsears #rowanmurphy1 #teotihuacan #glacialarchaeology #EmoryHeritageTC