For those who love glacial #geomorphology (who doesn't?), the Geological Survey of Canada recently published a volume summarizing some of the work they have done to deduce the history of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in northern Canada during the past 15 years. One of the main conclusions they make is that ice flow sets that were previously interpreted as being pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are now interpreted as being from the LGM. #GlacialGeology #IceSheets #ClimateChange
#climatechange #IceSheets #glacialgeology #geomorphology
Rex et al investigate a record of sands dating to MIS 3 and 4 in central Britain. Cooler than present climate conditions prevailed. The results suggest glacialfluvial sedimentation existed during the mid MIS 3 period, before the ice sheet advanced at about 33 kyr BP. #icesheets #paleoclimate #GlacialGeology #SedimentaryGeology
#sedimentarygeology #glacialgeology #paleoclimate #IceSheets
Malone et al find the age of zircons from granitic cobbles in Laurentide Ice Sheet, Lake Michigan Lobe tills from the Illinoisan (MIS 6) and Wisconsin (MIS 2) glaciations. The ages from the zircons in both tills are dominantly late Archean, and indicate an ice flow source from the Quebec-Labrador Dome east of Hudson Bay. The implication is that the configuration of the Laurentide Ice Sheet was likely similar in the two glaciations. #IceSheets #GlacialGeology #zircons
#zircons #glacialgeology #IceSheets