Ways people make me feel old:
(#GladiatorMTGA discord friends know this story)
My restaurant a few months ago stated stocking Crystal Skulk Vodka.
Bartender: “I don’t think I’ve sold any”
Me: “it’s supposed to be great. Weirdly, it’s owned by Dan Akroyd”
Bartender: “Who’s that?”
Me: *turns to dust*
Just got 3rd place (2-1) on the Tuesday Sword and Sandals in the Gladiator: Arena Singleton server, playing Boros Humans Typal. Good to get some results, my one lose being to Mono White control which got 2nd. Still testing between Showdown of the Skalds and The One Ring, but there was some great plays (almost got Hanweir Flip).
#gladiatormtga #mtg #mtga #magicthegathering
Random thoughts: What #magicthegathering set/block would you like to see an Arena Remaster for next? In the same spirit as SOI, Amonkhet, etc. To narrow it down, let’s limit it to Pioneer Legal sets (Return to Ravnica onward).
For me, it’d be Tarkir Block. REALLY I just want triple-KTK on Arena as it’s probably my favorite draft format, but I’ll accept a block remaster as that’s more in line with what the team would do.
So many spicy card in that block for Explorer and #GladiatorMTGA
#magicthegathering #gladiatormtga
Started Playing: 2001
First Prerelease: Mirrodin
Favorite Format: Commander
Favorite Card: Norin the Wary
Playstyle: Theme
Guild: Rakdos
Shard/Wedge: Grixis
Plane: Dominaria
Arena Avatar: Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines
MtG Fun Fact: Until #GladiatorMTGA I'd only ever played multiplayer kitchen table magic, biggest game I've been in had 13 people in it.
Ok late #introduction.
I’m APODionysus (He/Him). New to social media. I love #magicthegathering, especially Limited and #GladiatorMTGA. I also love other video games, sci-fi/fantasy, hiking, reading, traveling and food. I’m an extreme liberal politically. I also enjoy Baseball (with a saber-metric bent) and am a fan of the Red Sox I’m a huge fan of #LRR and my favorite week of the year is #desertbusforhope.
I’m not sure what I’ll be doing here. Guess we’ll find out.
Did I do that right?
#introduction #magicthegathering #gladiatormtga #lrr #desertbusforhope
Time to post about another list! Played in a Swords & Sandals tournament today (smaller biweekly event hosted by @GladiatorMTGA) and 3-0'd with a list I just tuned today! Really happy with how it played and it feels quite good. So here is Mardu Pyromancer! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Tvv7yptS1EWzStSEvM0UDQ
(Also: your girl got the Second Rite kill in today's event to cleanly get the 3-0)
#magicthegathering #mtg #gladiatormtga #gladiator #mtga
📢 It's time for our Sunday announcement! Exciting events ahead this week!
1️⃣ Tuesday & Friday: Join our weekly casual three-round Swiss events!
2️⃣ Saturday: Don't miss Gladiator Games: The Lord of the Rings!
A free and streamed, five-round Swiss event with fabulous prizes! 💫
:PridePlaneswalker: Join our Discord now and spar alongside 7,500+ Gladiators!
#gladiatormtga #magicthegathering #magicarena
📢 It's time for our Sunday announcement! Exciting events ahead this week!
1️⃣ Tuesday & Friday: Join our casual three-round Swiss events!
2️⃣ Saturday: Don't miss Gladiator Games: The Lord of the Rings! A free, streamed, five-round Swiss event with fabulous prizes! 💫
🔥 Join our Discord now and spar alongside 7,500+ Gladiators! :PridePlaneswalker:
#gladiatormtga #magicthegathering #magicarena
📢 It's time for our Sunday announcement! Exciting events ahead this week!
1️⃣ Tuesday & Friday: Join our casual three-round Swiss events!
2️⃣ Saturday: Don't miss Gladiator Games: The Lord of the Rings! A free, streamed, five-round Swiss event with fabulous prizes! 💫
🔥 Join our Discord now and spar alongside 7,500+ Gladiators! :PridePlaneswalker:
#gladiatormtga #magicthegathering #magicarena
holy fucking bingle. what?! :3 Hi #MagicTheGathering Fediverse 🥺
Welcome to the enchanting realm of #GladiatorMTGA, the gayest MTG fan-format, sweeping the community! :BlahajTrans:
In Gladiator, 100-card singleton decks are crafted, fuelled by #MagicArena. No commanders, no sideboards—just ingenious strategies.
Stick with us for electrifying tournament streams, mesmerizing deck techs, and exhilarating free prized events as we journey through the multiverse, together.🚀🌌 :PridePlaneswalker:
#magicthegathering #gladiatormtga #magicarena
Happy first of July everyone! ✨
It's officially hot hamster summer (in the Northern Hemisphere). I can't wait to share what we have in store for these coming months. Watch this space 💖
🌴 ☀️ 🐹 🔫
Meanwhile, Gladiator Games: The Lord of the Rings is next weekend!
You won't want to miss it, we have pre-release codes and other goodies from our nasty little pocketses to give away. We swear on the…on the precious.
#hothamstersummer #gladiatormtga #magicthegathering
It's been two weeks! Did you miss us?
Scryfall and Melee are up-to-date with legality for LTR and that means Gladiator's back on the menu, boys!
Sign up for one (or both) of our weekly 3-round swiss events below:
Sword and Sandals Showdown ⚔️🩴:
Week 26 EMEA || Tuesday at 7:00 PM CEST – https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/16718
Week 26 AM || Friday at 2:00 AM CEST – https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/16719
#gladiatormtga #magicthegathering
Gladiator Banned List Update:
Demonic Tutor is banned.
For more information regarding the changes, have a look at the GladiatorMTGA blog post linked below.
#gladiatormtga #magicthegathering
Gladiator Banned List Update:
Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes is banned.
Nexus of Fate is unbanned.
Teferi, Time Raveler is unbanned.
For more information regarding the changes, take a look at the GladiatorMTGA blog post. Link below.
#gladiatormtga #magicthegathering
Oh, hey! We did a thing. You should totally read it and respond positively 🥺👉👈
#gladiatormtga #magicthegathering