On the 9th Day of Birdmas #BirdGlamour gave to me 9 Ladies Dancing...like the dance of the Hooded Grebe! These Critically Endangered grebes are only found in remote basaltic lakes and Atlantic estuaries of southern Argentina. Their numbers are difficult to determine due to their remote habitats, with a maximum estimate of 3000-5000 individuals (in 1997), Mated pairs have extremely elaborate dance displays! #12DaysOfBirdmas #GlamorousByNature #sciart #scicomm
#birdglamour #12daysofbirdmas #glamorousbynature #sciart #scicomm
On the 2nd Day of Birdmas #BirdGlamour gave to me 2 European Turtle Doves! "Turtle" isn't related to actual turtles: it's onomatopoeic to describe the "turtur" song which they coo to each other. They are a symbol of love: Turtle Doves form very strong pair bonds! Sadly, European Turtle Doves are facing a decline due to changing farming practices (there are fewer scattered seeds and grains left in fields) and hunting.
#12DaysOfBirdmas #GlamorousByNature
#birdglamour #12daysofbirdmas #glamorousbynature
We've been seeing a lot of Clouded Sulphur Butterflies lately...at least before it snowed! These meadow butterflies are found across North America except in Labrador, Nunavut, and northern Quebec. Females will lay single eggs on clover, vetch, ground plum, and alfalfa!
#GlamorousByNature #BirdGlamour
#glamorousbynature #birdglamour