#Glances: Monitor Remote #Linux Systems from Anywhere 🐧
@Mossop @gabrielesvelto check the speed of writes #glances also tell you which process is doing IO ops (a column) and the speed per disk (left side) #zpool iostat -v will give you details on I/O combined and per device in the pool. Then you can test also speed of the disks individually (depending on how you set up the pool of course) and find the slower disk, because all nodes in the pool will go at the speed of the slowest
@gabrielesvelto @Mossop and you can check that quite nicely with the #glances command (apt or pip would be easy ways to install it). Launch it, and look at it for a few seconds while you see the server slow. If the problem is IO it will tell you on the bottom, actually any possible issues will be shown on the bottom. Also on the left you will see disk R/W speeds and much more. You could also use #Grafana to log metrics and have a wider view of performance
Revolutionäres watchOS 10 Update: Apple Watch kehrt zurück zu Widgets
Apple plant eines der größten Software-Updates für seine Apple Watch-
#News #Watch #Wetter #Standard-undSE-Modelle #Widgets #Ultra-Version #Benutzeroberfläche #iOS17 #Software-Update #AppleWatch #Mixed-Reality-Brille #macOS14 #WWDC #15-ZollMacBookAir #DigitalCrown #Glances #Aktivitäten #Hardware-Änderungen
#News #watch #wetter #standard #widgets #ultra #benutzeroberflache #ios17 #software #applewatch #mixed #macos14 #wwdc #digitalcrown #glances #aktivitaten #hardware
Monitor and troubleshoot applications with Glances and InfluxDB
Set up a quick application observability solution that records metrics in real time and pipes them into a database for analysis.
I will show you how to:
1. Setup an InfluxData InfluxDB quickly with PODMAN
2. Install Glances with PIP
3. Connect Glances so it can send metrics in real time to your new database for later analysis and troubleshooting.
#monitoring #devops #influxdb #glances #metrics #linux
Open Source is powerful!!!!. Yesterday I was trying to use one of my favorite tool, Python Glances. And it was crashing when I tried to use it with the InfluxDB plugin.
I submitted a bug request, and decided to wait...
Out of curiosity I ran the tool with a debugger, found the issue, patched, fixed the problem myself.
Then I created a Pull request: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/pull/2298
Today: My Pull request merged into the trunk. I'm happy. Everybody wins.
#opensource #glances #linux #sharingiscaring
There are a lot of complex monitoring solutions out there, I was looking for something different and came up with this
using #glances and pointing the data to #influxdb in the cloud (same thing works on prem) and displaying it in #grafana #cloud
It's a nice learning exercise
#glances #influxdb #grafana #cloud #blogpost #techblog #howto #monitoring #linux
@wesdottoday okok i use homebridge but am aware of home assistant — was there a good guide or article that talked about some options using the #glances API? i find a lot of very basic PoC posts and i am trying to find something more inspirational to get me started! thank you 🙇🏻 for replying
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PacificNotions
🎵 Sun Dapple
#nowplaying #PacificNotions #glances
#homeassistant tip: Where are the integration settings hidden (the ones not available via UI)?
For example, #Glances integration. If the IP address of the monitored computer changes, you can't reconfigure glances from UI.
But you can find it here:
You're welcome.
@mforester @CrowderSoup I love #glances
To set up the #prometheus suite, I used as inspiration #iostack https://github.com/SensorsIot/IOTstack
Check the files service.yaml in .templates folder
@slamp @CrowderSoup I really need to look into setting up Prometheus and Grafana properly. 😅
I do have monitoring set up, but I mostly rely on #UptimeKuma. I have #Glances for current stats as well, but nothing that gives me a historic view over the last few days/weeks.
I'd be interested if the Pi ever gets stressed. Whenever I check in with Glances, the system seems bored, even though it's running over 30 Docker containers.
@cfultz I also self-host a bunch of monitoring software:
- #UptimeKuma for my websites and services
- #Scrutiny for disk SMART values
- #Healthchecks for Cronjobs
- #Watchtower for automated container updates
- #Glances as a quick overview of the system's performance
And of course #Nextcloud, which got me started in the first place.
#uptimekuma #scrutiny #healthchecks #Watchtower #glances #nextcloud
if #glances would do some highlighting in browse mode, that would be kinda nice
Today's #homeassistant tip: How to reconfigure #Glances integration if IP address of the Glances server changes?
Where the h*ll is the config file? I lost 2 hours searching for the config file. You don't need to:
1. Install #Samba add-on to your #HA instance
2. Navigate to /yourHAserver/config/.storage
3. open the file core.config_entries
4. search for 'glances'
5. update the IP address
6. restart #HA
Glances works again:
#homeassistant #glances #samba #ha
Today's #homeassistant tip: How to reconfigure #Glances integration if IP address of the Glances server changes?
Where the h*ll is the config file? I lost 2 hours searching for the config file. You don't need to:
1. Install #Samba add-on to your #HA instance
2. Navigate to /yourHAserver/config/.storage
3. open the file core.config_entries
4. search for 'glances'
5. update the IP address
6. restart #HA
Glances works again:
#homeassistant #glances #samba #ha
Herramientas de Monitorización CLI #gnu_linux #networking #sysadmin #archlinux #btop #cli #corefreq #debian #fedora #glances #linux #manjaro #monitorización #nmon #rocky_linux #software https://h4ckseed.wordpress.com/2022/02/07/herramientas-de-monitorizacion-cli/
#archlinux #fedora #sysadmin #cli #glances #manjaro #monitorización #nmon #rocky_linux #networking #linux #gnu_linux #btop #CoreFreq #debian #software