☀️ A question ❓️ post. These are two major finds from #Glanum, now in the Hotel de Sade museum. Initially attributed as portraits of Octavia and Julia, these two wonderful marble busts are now labeled as "Bust of a princess" and "Bust of Livia". 🤔 I am not an expert, but the initial attribution seems by far more likely to me. I would be curious to know what you think. Do you think it is Octavia and Julia ? 📸 Own photos.
☀️ As I was visiting the ancient #Glanum, so did Michel Gybels - a longstanding contributor to the TimeTravelRome blog. Michel wrote a great text about Glanum site & its 2500 years history. Thank you Michel for your great contribution ! Here is the post 👉
#ancienthistory #archaeology
#glanum #ancienthistory #archaeology
🚐 #Provença amb #Autocaravana 🚐
ETAPA 6⃣ : Avui, al sud de #SaintRemydeProvence, visitem #Glanum, la ciutat celta + helenística + romana . #Patrimoni clàssic del bo, que som a la #Provença! 👌
🅿️ Al pàrquing car (5€/h) de visitants: un petit solar de terra.
#provenca #autocaravana #saintremydeprovence #glanum #patrimoni