RT @Medicijngebruik@twitter.com
Per 1 maart wijzigt het #preferentiebeleid op #insuline #glargine voor verzekerden van CZ, Nationale-Nederlanden en OHRA. Check de toolbox Doelmatig insulinegebruik http://bit.ly/3GG61ft voor tips om #omzetting van insulines zorgvuldig te laten verlopen.
Tekening Len Munnik©
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Medicijngebruik/status/1615719394532786177
#preferentiebeleid #insuline #glargine #omzetting
@rbreich These are both insulin #glargine U-100 products, meaning there are 100 units in each milliliter. They come in 1000 unit bottles and 5-packs of 300-unit "pens". The going price in the US last time I checked for the Lantus bottles was a around $350. The pen packs were about $550. When Semglee got approved, I switched to that because it has the same efficacy and I was able to buy a pen pack for about $100. I didn't check the bottle price because I don't use it fast enough.