Ornate lamp featuring the Glasgow Coat of Arms over the entrance to a tenement close in the Strathbungo area of the city.
Such lamps usually signify that an occupant of a building is (if there's two) or once was (if there's just one) the Lord Provost of Glasgow.
#glasgoe #tenement #strathbungo #metalwork #lamp #coatofarms #glasgowcoatofarms #lordprovost
#lordprovost #glasgowcoatofarms #coatofarms #lamp #metalwork #strathbungo #tenement #glasgoe
A great piece of street art on the Strathclyde University campus in Glasgow City Centre. This is just one of many street art pieces, including some rather stunning murals, across the campus.
#glasgoe #streetart #glasgowstreetart #murals #glasgowmurals #scottishstreetart #scottishmurals #strathclydeuniversity
#strathclydeuniversity #scottishmurals #scottishstreetart #glasgowmurals #murals #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgoe