Has Australia ever had a worse cycling world championship? Asking for a friend.
Lucky the soccer is going well!
Der ganze Terz um MvdP, nur dass er jetzt nach nichtmal 5 min stürzt?
#Goedemorgen iedereen 😘
Zaterdag 12 augustus 2023. Gisteren een demonstratie gezien qua tijdrijden. Je houdt van hem of niet maar #RemcoEvenepoel is op zijn minst één van de leiders van zijn generatie wielrenners. #Glasgow2023
Geniet van je zaterdag ❤️
#goedemorgen #remcoevenepoel #glasgow2023
Starkes Interview.
Gute Erholung Marlen!
#Glasgow2023 #cycling
Verdient aandacht
Afghaanse wielerploeg bakt er niet veel van in Glasgow/2023WCcicling [geweldig evenement] maar...
ze werken keihard en geven nooit op
Dit zijn vrouwen en mannen die de harten in Afghanistan én hier beroeren
Wat vind jij ervan?
Vertel het ook verder, aub
#teamafghanistan #afghaansevrouwen #ciclingwc2023 #glasgow2023 #wcglasgow #wccicling2023
Necesitas #alquilar una #furgoneta hoy #Lunes? ℹ️furgonetascerca.es 📱91 641 18 48 / 646 45 28 71
#Cerca #Alcorcón #FelizLunes #Felizsema #RAC #Movilidad #mobility #7agosto #MondayMotivation #threads #Truth #Truthsocial #XTwitter #Mastodon #Audiencias #GlasgowScotland2023 #glasgow2023
#alquilar #furgoneta #lunes #cerca #alcorcon #felizlunes #felizsema #rac #movilidad #mobility #7agosto #mondaymotivation #threads #truth #truthsocial #xtwitter #mastodon #audiencias #glasgowscotland2023 #glasgow2023
Necesitas #alquilar una #furgoneta hoy #Lunes? ℹ️furgonetascerca.es 📱91 641 18 48 / 646 45 28 71
#Cerca #Alcorcón #FelizLunes #Felizsema #RAC #Movilidad #mobility #7agosto #MondayMotivation #threads #Truth #Truthsocial #XTwitter #Mastodon #Audiencias #GlasgowScotland2023 #Glasgow2023
#alquilar #furgoneta #lunes #cerca #alcorcon #felizlunes #felizsema #rac #movilidad #mobility #7agosto #mondaymotivation #threads #truth #truthsocial #xtwitter #mastodon #audiencias #glasgowscotland2023 #glasgow2023
Felicitaciones a Martha Bayona, ciclista colombiana que ganó medalla de plata en Keirin en el mundial de #Glasgow2023
Und dann noch das Sieger-Interview mit Mathieu #VanDerPoel als neuer #weltmeister im #Straßenrennen zum Nachschauen.
#uci #ucichampionships #glasgow2023 #rennrad #radrennen #radsport
#radsport #radrennen #rennrad #glasgow2023 #ucichampionships #uci #Straßenrennen #weltmeister #vanderpoel
Martha Bayona pasó a la final del mundial de ciclismo en la modalidad de Keirin en #Glasgow2023
My apologies to the neighbours for screaming the winner to the finish. (No spoilers because people might still need to watch it)
#glasgow2023 #38years #meneliteroad
#MVDP is riding for the rainbow! Fingers crossed, because he’s actually likable person, unlike the former „champion”… #Glasgow2023 #uciglasgow2023 #uci2023
#uci2023 #uciglasgow2023 #glasgow2023 #MvdP
Oh my goodness, Matthieu van der Poel in front with only 18km to go!
And we’re back. #Glasgow2023 #CyclingWorldChampionships
#cyclingworldchampionships #glasgow2023
Was half watching #Glasgow2023 RR with sound down while doing other stuff... got distracted for a while and looked back and seems not missed much in the last half hour! #CouchPeloton
Cycling worlds update
M C4 1km time trial
🥇🇬🇧 Jody Cundy
🌈 14 times in a row: 2006-7-9-11-12-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-22-23 🤯
🥈🇦🇺 Michael Shippley
W C2 individual pursuit 🥉🇦🇺 Amanda Reid
M B 1km time trial 🇦🇺 Beau Wootton/Byron Davies 6th
M C3 1km time trial finals 🇦🇺 David Nicholas 5th
M elite team pursuit 🇦🇺 Q to 🥉match v 🇳🇿 (Oliver Bleddyn rode the 🇩🇰 round 1 match in place of Joshua Duffy)
W elite 500m time trial
🌈 🇩🇪 Emma Hinze
🥈🇦🇺 Kristina Clonan
The only two riders under 33s.
Not an Olympic event. It was removed for BMX.
Anna Meares was the last Olympic champion in the 500m time trial, in 2004.
M elite team sprint
🥇 match 🇳🇱 v 🇦🇺
🥉 match 🇫🇷 v 🇬🇧
Cycling worlds update
M C4 individual pursuit 🥇🇫🇷Kevin Le Cunff
W C5 500m time trial 🥇🇳🇱 Caroline Groot
W C3 individual pursuit 🥉🇦🇺Paige Greco
M C1 individual pursuit 🥇🇨🇳Li Zhangyu
W B 1km time trial 🥈🇦🇺Jessica Gallagher/Caitlin Ward
W elite team sprint 🥇🇩🇪
M B individual pursuit 🥇🇳🇱Tristan Bangma/Patrick Bos
M C5 scratch race 🥇🇳🇱Daniel Abraham Gebru
W elite individual pursuit 🥇🇺🇸Chloe Dygert, 🇦🇺Maeve Plouffe 5th
M C2 individual pursuit 🥈🇦🇺 Darren Hicks
M elite scratch race 🥇🇬🇧William Tidball, 🇦🇺Joshua Duffy 9th
Tonight "day session" 🇦🇺 W elite team pursuit, W elite 500m time trial, M B 1km time trial, W C2 omnium, M C3 1km time trial, M C4 1km time trial, M C2 omnium.
#Glasgow2023 #CouchPeloton