I wonder where this very skinny door on the west side of Glasgow Central Station leads? And what on Earth goes in and/or out of it! Anyone got any ideas?
#glasgow #glasgowcentralstation #glasgowcentral #centralstationtours #doors #glasgowdoors #skinnydoors #unusualdoors #magicdoors #glasgowbuildings #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #wheredoesthisgo
#wheredoesthisgo #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgowbuildings #magicdoors #unusualdoors #skinnydoors #glasgowdoors #doors #centralstationtours #glasgowcentral #glasgowcentralstation #glasgow
'Beacon of Hope' by Steuart Padwick, Glasgow Central Station.
This seemed an appropriate image for my first post of 2023. Underneath the sculpture is a poem by Jackie Kay which reads:
"Hope is Black Lives Matter,
Hope is MeToo
Hope is my Son and my Daughter.
Hope is a girl called Greta.
Hope is the colour of the future."
#glasgow #glasgowcentral #glasgowcentralstation #beaconofhope #steuartpadwick #publicart #sculpture #jackiekay #hope #hope2023
#hope2023 #hope #jackiekay #sculpture #publicart #steuartpadwick #beaconofhope #glasgowcentralstation #glasgowcentral #glasgow
Glasgow Central Low Level | #shotoniphone #lightroomedit #glasgowcentrallowlevel #glasgowcentral #glasgowcentralstation #glasgow #station #trainstaion #platform#streetphotography #cityphotography #urbanphotography
#urbanphotography #cityphotography #platform #trainstaion #station #glasgow #glasgowcentralstation #glasgowcentral #glasgowcentrallowlevel #lightroomedit #shotoniphone
RT @ManiraAhmad@twitter.com
Amazing news - #GlasgowCentralStation has a multi-faith room (platform 11)
Many occasions I have rushed home by train to try make prayer time, not always successfully. Now, as I start to increase my trips into the city I can take advantage of this great addition
TY @networkrail@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ManiraAhmad/status/1597128876182102017