A 'Waiting to Happen' flyer at the junction of Victoria Bridge on Gorbals St and Clyde St. Emma Burke Newman was killed in January when cycling from her home in the southside to #GlasgowSchoolOfArt #GSA This initiative by her friends will collect data and anecdotes to present to #GlasgowCityCouncil to inform better street and junction design.
If you travel through this part of town, please complete the survey and boost this toot.
#Glasgow #cycling #BikeTooter #urbanism
#urbanism #biketooter #cycling #glasgow #glasgowcitycouncil #gsa #glasgowschoolofart
If GCC is going to allow these tangerine twits their bigotry parades, then the least they can do is send everyone living within earshot a letter in advance saying:
"So hey, we're inexplicably allowing those orange pricks to march down X Street at Y time again. Non-bigots are advised to stay away and have noise-cancelling headphones ready.
Yours in temporary insanity (and/or corruption?), #GlasgowCityCouncil "
There was a time in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s when architects of new buildings in Glasgow went to a lot more effort to match existing architectural styles rather than just throwing up massive, soulless boxes which drown existing buildings and the feel of Glasgow with their blandness. Why can we not still do this in the 2020s?
#glasgow #urbandevelopment #broomhill #jordanhill #architecture #glasgowcitycouncil #glasgowplanningdepartment #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowplanningdepartment #glasgowcitycouncil #architecture #jordanhill #broomhill #urbandevelopment #glasgow
The Argyle Hotel on Arygle Street shows that Glasgow can integrate older industrial buildings into newer developments rather than simply knocking them down, so preserving as much of the city's remaining industrial heritage as we can.
#glasgow #buildings #architecture #urbanregeneration #urbandevelopment #glasgowcitycouncil #glasgowcityplanning #industrialhertiatge
#industrialhertiatge #glasgowcityplanning #glasgowcitycouncil #urbandevelopment #urbanregeneration #architecture #buildings #glasgow
Greatly improved Clyde St./Jamaica St. junction after redesign and installation of cycle phase on the lights. It is near the location of the recent fatality. This hard protection will remove crossing conflicts presented by left-turning motor vehicles across the path of cyclists going straight ahead. A much-needed change.
#BikeTooter #Glasgow #GlasgowCityCouncil #RoadSafety #StreetDesign #CivilEngineering
#civilengineering #streetdesign #roadsafety #glasgowcitycouncil #glasgow #biketooter
Only just noticed that the subdomain http://open.glasgow.gov.uk/ is no more. Can't say I'm surprised. Last wayback machine entry I can find is from January 2019. Look at what you could have had...
But on the plus side the raw data https://data.glasgow.gov.uk/ is still there and being updated.
But am always amazed for our largest city just how few #OpenData projects relating to Glasgow we ever get to hear about.
#glasgow #glasgowcitycouncil #opendata
Shameful. Especially the GRCH steps. If you live in Glasgow, start annoying your councillor about this now!
2/2 - Few from this afternoon.
#museum #transportmuseum #transport #glasgow #glasgowcitycouncil
#glasgowcitycouncil #glasgow #transport #transportmuseum #museum
1/2 - Few from this afternoon.
#museum #transportmuseum #transport #glasgow #glasgowcitycouncil
#glasgowcitycouncil #glasgow #transport #transportmuseum #museum
Looks like #GlasgowCityCouncil isn’t interested in recyclables anymore. Bins haven’t been emptied in over a month 🙄
Potholes in #Glasgow are particularly poor at the moment and this morning the bus driver had to get out and check whether he still had a bus after a particularly big thump. #GlasgowCityCouncil
The down side of living in #Maryhill is that we peasants don't get our streets gritted in icy conditions by #GlasgowCityCouncil. Therefore, i just slipped and fell very hard on #Kelvindale Road outside the #Wyndford...
The up side of living here is that strangers rushed to help, and a man in a car offered to drive me to wherever i was going.
I'm okay — nothing broken as far as i can tell. But i think i'll be feeling it tomorrow.
#wyndford #glasgow #kelvindale #glasgowcitycouncil #Maryhill
New city surveillance system sparks call for urgent law change
#CCTV #GlasgowCityCouncil #OpenRightsGroup #ScotlandAgainstCriminalisingCommunities
#cctv #glasgowcitycouncil #openrightsgroup #scotlandagainstcriminalisingcommunities #news