This beautiful piece of street art on the Broomielaw in Glasgow is one of the street swallows created by artist Wilma van der Meyden. It's made from fragments of old ceramics collected from the shores of the Firth of Clyde. It's called the Broomielaw Swallow.
#broomielaw #ceramics #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgow
Absolutely love this new mural on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow beside Inn Deep. It's by John Murray.
#glasgow #streetart #mural #glasgowmurals #scottishmurals #glasgowstreetart #ostrich #kelvinwalkway
#kelvinwalkway #ostrich #glasgowstreetart #scottishmurals #glasgowmurals #mural #streetart #glasgow
I posted a couple of these little art works a couple of days ago, and now I've tracked down a couple more, as well as their origin.
They are part of a sound walk through Partick and Kelvindale created by Tricky Hat Productions in August 2021 called Round Our Place. You can find out more about it here (including a map of the entire walk and the locations of all eight plaques):
#glasgowstreetart #streetart #kelvindale #Partick #glasgow
Love this stag mural in Tontine Lane in Glasgow.
#glasgow #streetart #glasgowstreetart #stag #mural #glasgowmural #scottishmurals #tontinelane
#tontinelane #scottishmurals #glasgowmural #mural #stag #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgow
Love the newest tiling added to the Stockingfield Bridge in Glasgow, especially this rainbow. These tiles have been made and installed by Make It Glasgow.
#glasgow #stockingfieldbridge #maryhill #streetart #ceramics #rainbow #tiles #tiling #glasgowstreetart #forthandclydecanal
#ForthAndClydeCanal #glasgowstreetart #tiling #tiles #rainbow #ceramics #streetart #Maryhill #StockingfieldBridge #glasgow
For the first time in a while, my morning dog walk took me past the Glasgow Penguins and their neighbours, the Snails on the Rails. Nice to see they're still there.
#glasgow #streetart #kelvinwalkway #glasgowpenguins #glasgowstreetart #scottishatreetart #penguins #snails
#snails #penguins #scottishatreetart #glasgowstreetart #glasgowpenguins #kelvinwalkway #streetart #glasgow
I love this mural by Smug on an orphaned gable end down an otherwise rather grim section of Mitchell Street in Glasgow. It brings a much needed splash of colour and interest to it.
#glasgow #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgowmurals #mural #scottishmurals #cityscape #streetscape
#StreetScape #cityscape #scottishmurals #mural #glasgowmurals #streetart #glasgowstreetart #glasgow
I don't know why, but the Empire seems to be making its presence felt in Finnieston at the moment!
#glasgow #finnieston #stormtrooper #theempire #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #theempire #stormtrooper #finnieston #glasgow
I haven't come across a new mural by Negative Destination in a while (probably because I haven't been out running around the streets of Glasgow as much as usual in the last few months), but I came across this great piece yesterday just off Hope Street.
#murals #glasgow #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgow #murals
Freshly painted walls on the arches alongside the Clydeside Expressway in Glasgow, all ready for a new set of murals to go up. Can't wait to see what this batch will have to offer
#glasgow #streetart #glasgowstreetart #clydesideexpressway #swg3 #yardworks
#Yardworks #swg3 #clydesideexpressway #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgow
I haven't posted a picture of the Glasgow Penguins on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow for a while, so here's a cute one of some skateboarding penguins who appeared recently.
#glasgow #glasgowpenguins #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #penguins #kelvinwalkway
#kelvinwalkway #penguins #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
New murals going up on Eastvale Place in Glasgow for this weekend's Yardworks Street Art Festival.
#glasgow #streetart #murals #yardworks #swg3 #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #scottishmurals
#scottishmurals #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #swg3 #Yardworks #murals #streetart #glasgow
Love the eyes on this mural from Merchant Lane in Glasgow.
And just a reminder for those who are interested, the Yardworks street art festival is on at SWG3 this weekend. If you like your street art, it's not to be missed.
#glasgow #streetart #murals #glasgowstreetart #scottishmurals #merchantcity #scottishstreetart #yardworks
#Yardworks #scottishstreetart #merchantcity #scottishmurals #glasgowstreetart #murals #streetart #glasgow
No Entry Thief, Duke Street, Glasgow.
I love it when I stumble across things like this.
#glasgow #dukestreet #noentry
#roadsigns #streetart #grafitti #keepglasgowweird #glasgowstreetart
#glasgowstreetart #keepglasgowweird #grafitti #streetart #roadsigns #noentry #dukestreet #glasgow
Despite today's weather, it looks like the Glasgow Penguins are having a picnic on the Kelvin Walkway!
#glasgow #penguins #glasgowpenguins #thepenguinsinthewall #picnic #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #sculpture
#sculpture #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #picnic #thepenguinsinthewall #glasgowpenguins #penguins #glasgow
Turning Rain Into Beer Since 1885.
One of the Tennent's Brewery murals on Duke Street in Glasgow.
#glasgow #tennents #murals #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #beer #fridaynightbeer
#fridaynightbeer #beer #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #murals #tennents #glasgow
Yarn-bombed bench in the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. I love the colour things like this bring to the city, especially on sunny days like today.
#glasgow #streetart #yarnbombing #guerillaknitting #benches #glasgowstreetart #publicart #botanicgardens #glasgowbotanics #glasgowbotanicgardens
#glasgowbotanicgardens #glasgowbotanics #botanicgardens #publicart #glasgowstreetart #benches #guerillaknitting #yarnbombing #streetart #glasgow
I came across this great mural by Stormie Mills just off Elmbank Street in Glasgow yesterday. Love the style.
#glasgow #murals #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #stormiemills
#stormiemills #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #murals #glasgow
A random pint of Guinness on a Sunday morning on the streets of Glasgow.
#glasgow #random #guinness #streetlife #glasgowstreetlife #streetart #glasgowstreetart
#glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgowstreetlife #streetlife #guinness #random #glasgow
The latest offering from the Glasgow Penguins on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow is simply brilliant!
#glasgow #kelvinwalkway #penguins #glasgowpenguins #streetart #glasgowstreetart #peoplemakeglasgow #penguinsmakeglasgow #keepglasgowweird
#keepglasgowweird #penguinsmakeglasgow #PeopleMakeGlasgow #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgowpenguins #penguins #kelvinwalkway #glasgow