This video was much too large to upload here, so this is a link to it on my YouTube Channel. This is a night view of Dale Chihuly's glass bridge, leading to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. Countless Chihuly vessels of all shapes and sizes are backlit on the "ceiling" of the bridge. #chihuly #MastoArt #glassblowing #glassbridge #Tacoma #MuseumOfGlass #ChristofMaupin
#christofmaupin #museumofglass #tacoma #glassbridge #glassblowing #MastoArt #chihuly
I can't recall if I've shared this here before, but in October of last year, I visited the Museum of Glass in Tacoma and took this video of Dale Chihuly's glass bridge on the approach to the Museum. Still amazing after 20 years! #glass #glassart #glassblowing #chihuly #dalechihuly #tacoma #museumofglass #glassbridge #venetians #studioglass
#studioglass #venetians #glassbridge #museumofglass #tacoma #DaleChihuly #chihuly #glassblowing #glassart #glass
வில்லிவாக்கம் ஏரி கண்ணாடி பாலத்தின் மீது 100 பேர் மட்டுமே அனுமதி… சென்னை ஐஐடி மாணவர்கள் சோதனை வீடியோ… via
#villivakkam #AmusementPark #GlassBridge #Suspension #Bridge
#bridge #suspension #glassbridge #amusementpark #Villivakkam